1948: Independence


HaganaThe War of Independence, begun in 1947, intensified in 1948, especially after Israel’s Declaration of Independence. This was Israel’s bloodiest war, resulting in 6,373 casualties on the Israeli side, which succeeded in the conquest of almost all of Palestine’s territory. Israel established its first government in 1948 and opened its doors to Jewish refugees from around the world, including Yemen, Egypt, Iraq and Europe. At the same time, many Arabs fled the fighting and left their villages, hoping to return when the war was over. These groups were not forced out, but rather fled voluntarily, often encouraged by their leaders.

  1. 1948 Arab Refugees
  2. 1948-1949 Arab Refugees’ Hatred of Egyptians, not Jews
  3. 1948 Khaled al-Azm on Arab Refugee Situation
  4. 1948 Political Arab Leaders behind Arab Refugee Situation
  5. 1948 Defeat of Arabs in 1948 Came as a Surprise for the Arab World
  6. January 1, 1948 Train robbed of Foodstuffs between Lydda and Tel Aviv
  7. January 2, 1948 Illegal Immigration to Palestine
  8. January 5, 1948 Bomb Thrown at Jewish School, Beirut
  9. January 10, 1948 Arab Refugees
  10. January 10, 1948 Arabs Set for “Any Price” United Press, NY Times
  11. January 11, 1948 Jews in Cairo Arrested to Prevent of “Zionist crimes”
  12. January 14, 1948 Fawzi Bey al Kaukji, Volunteer Army of the Arab Nations
  13. January 14, 1948 Mediation Offer made from Pakistan
  14. January 14, 1948 Massacre Report Perturbs Gandhi
  15. January 16, 1948 Palestine Liberation Army
  16. January 18, 1948 Attack on Convoy on Jaffa Road
  17. January 19, 1948 United Nations Sponsored Peace Conference
  18. January 19, 1948 Training of the Arab Liberation Army
  19. January 27, 1948 Convoy of Jewish Trucks Attacked Near Ein Gazala
  20. January 29, 1948 Suleiman Abdul Bey, the Mayor of Nablus
  21. January 30, 1948 Arrival of Arab Bands from Outside of Palestine
  22. February 5, 1948 Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Visits Damascus
  23. February 13, 1948 Israel Offers Peace, the Grand Mufti Rejects
  24. February 16, 1948 Security Situation in Jerusalem
  25. February 16, 1948 Murder in Haifa
  26. February 16, 1948 Mutilation of Jewish Bodies
  27. February  22, 1948 Jerusalem’s Latest Scene of Terrorism
  28. February 22, 1948 Arabs Request Trained Street-Fighters from Syria
  29. February 27, 1948 Arab Leaders Oppose Israel
  30. February 27, 1948 Colonel Abdul Wahab Bey Arrives at Jaffa
  31. March 1948 British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin
  32. March 1948 British Granted Concession to Iraq Petrol Company
  33. March 4, 1948 Jewish Force Ambushed, Arabs Kill 17
  34. March 4, 1948 Arab League’s Palestine Committee
  35. March 5, 1948 Arab Liberation Army
  36. March 6, 1948 Heavy Arab Artillery Moved into Palestine via Syria
  37. March 7, 1948 Field Commander of PLA Enters Palestine from Syria
  38. March 9, 1948 Volunteers Invited to Join Arab Forces in Haifa Region
  39. March 9, 1948 Peace Project for Jerusalem
  40. March 11, 1948 Wing of the Jewish Agency Headquarters Blown Up
  41. March 11, 1948 Thirteen Murdered Outside the Jewish Agency Building
  42. March 11, 1948 Small-Scale Guerrilla Raids by Arabs
  43. March 12, 1948 British Reveal Non-Arab Volunteers in Palestine
  44. March 12, 1948 Attack on the Jerusalem-Jaffa Road
  45. March 13, 1948 Arab Attack on Maccabi Quarter, Tel Aviv
  46. March 14, 1948 TWA Plane Leaving Lydda Fired On
  47. March 15, 1948 Support for Jihad by Pakistani Moslem Leaders
  48. March 16, 1948 Palestinian Arab Higher Committee Representative Isa Nakleh
  49. March 17, 1948 Arab Military Commander’s Threats
  50. March 19, 1948 Arab Liberation Army
  51. March 19, 1948 US State Department Says No to State of Israel
  52. March 19, 1948 Arab Claim: Jewish Palestine will Lead to Communism
  53. March 21, 1948 Jewish Convoy Attacked Near Bab el Wad
  54. March 27, 1948 Mutilation of Jewish Corpses by Arabs
  55. March 30, 1948  Jerusalem Jews Ration Bread
  56. March 30, 1948 Secretary of Arab Higher Committee Rejects Jerusalem Truce Proposal
  57. March 30, 1948 Royal Navy Sends Jewish Immigrants to Cyprus
  58. March 30, 1948 Arabs Pick Up and Leave Villages in Tel Aviv Region
  59. March 31, 1948 Jewish Convoy Attacked, Seventeen Killed
  60. March-April 1948 Arab Refugees
  61. April 1948 Arab Refugees
  62. April 1948 Israel Offers Peace
  63. April 3 1948 Arab Higher Committee Encouraged Refugees to Flee
  64. April 4, 1948 British Try to Make Peace Between Sides Fighting at Kastel
  65. April 7, 1948 French Representative in UN – Arabs Fled, Not Forced Out
  66. April 8, 1948 Interview with Sheikh Ismail el Ansary
  67. April 8, 1948 Disruption of Water Supply to Jerusalem
  68. April 9, 1948 Mutilation of Corpses at Kastel
  69. April 9, 1948 Deir Yassin
  70. April 12,1948 Jews of Jerusalem Starving Due to Arab Road Blocks
  71. April 13, 1948 Hadassah Convoy Massacre
  72. April 13, 1948 Hadassah Convoy Massacre – Firsthand Medical Staff Account
  73. April 13, 1948 Hadassah Convoy Massacre – Yehuda Bromberg
  74. April 13, 1948 Hadassah Convoy Massacre – Yehuda Mattot
  75. April 15, 1948 Security Council Failed to Act on Palestine Truce
  76. April 15, 1948 Dr. Barnes to Commander of 2nd Infantry Brigade, Jerusalem
  77. April 15, 1948 Ismail Safwat Pasha, Arab Liberation Armies
  78. April 15, 1948 GOC British Troops in Palestine to President of Zion University
  79. April 15, 1948 Jewish Forces against Arab Forces
  80. April 18, 1948 Dr. Barnes Responds to GOC’s Claims Regarding the Hadassah Massacre
  81. April 18, 1948 6,000 Arabs Suddenly Left Tiberias
  82. April 22, 1948 Excerpts from Syrian and Egyptian Addresses in U.N.
  83. April 23, 1948 Acting Chairman of Palestine Higher Committee
  84. April 23, 1948 Arab Mass Evacuation of Haifa
  85. April 24, 1948 Attacks in Haifa Started By Arabs
  86. Apri 25-29 1948 Arab Refugees
  87. April 26, 1948 Statement of High-Ranking British Officer in Haifa 
  88. April 26, 1948 Arab Nations May Invade Palestine by Saturday
  89. April 26, 1948 Arab Evacuation of Acre
  90. April 27, 1948 British Deny Abdullah War on Zionism
  91. April 27, 1948 Arabs Slay Briton
  92. April 27, 1948 558 Immigrants Deported to Cyprus by British
  93. April 28, 1948 Bevin Declares Palestine Exit May 15 Is Sure
  94. May 2, 1948 Arab Nations of the Middle East Invade Palestine
  95. May 2, 1948 Map of Palestine
  96. May 3, 1948 Haifa Becomes a Ghost City
  97. May 5, 1948 Arab Refugees
  98. May 5, 1948 War Develops
  99. May 8, 1948 Lebanese and Jordanian Infiltrators
  100. May 12, 1948 Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League
  101. May 12, 1948 Palestine Regime Planned by Arabs; Will Reject Truce
  102. May 12, 1948 Is Palestine War a Myth? San Francisco Chronicle
  103. May 12, 1948 Foreign Minister of Egypt on Intention to Annihilate Israel
  104. May 13, 1948 Massacre at Kfar Etzion
  105. May 13, 1948 Haganah Galilee Offensive – Operation Ben-Ami
  106. May 13, 1948 President Truman vs. Secretary of State on Palestine
  107. May 14, 1948 Truman and Marshall’s Ongoing Conflict over Palestine
  108. May 14, 1948 Israel’s Declaration of Independence
  109. May 14, 1948 Termination of the White Paper of 1939
  110. May 14, 1948 Palestinian Refugees Flee to Gaza from all over the World
  111. May 15, 1948 Reaction of Arab States to End of British Mandate
  112. May 15, 1948 West Bank Annexed, Gaza Closed Military Zone
  113. May 15, 1948 The New York Times Reports on Declaration of Independence
  114. May 15, 1948 1,256 Jews Killed between Nov ’47 and May ’48
  115. May 15, 1948 Palestine’s Arabs Welcome Advancing Arab Armies
  116. May 15, 1948 Arab Legion Waiting in Jordan to Cross into Palestine
  117. May 16, 1948 Colonel David Marcus Reports on Jewish Forces’ Resolve
  118. May 17 1948 US Delegation to UN on Invasion by Arab Armies 
  119. May 18, 1948 Arab Leader Cooperates with King Abdullah
  120. May 19, 1948 Arab Legion Participates in Jerusalem Attack
  121. May 19, 1948 Russian Delegate Reports to U.N. on Arab Aggression
  122. May 20, 1948 Worldwide Indifference to Jordanian Havoc in Jerusalem
  123. May 26, 1948 May 26, 1948 Arabs Urge Action by Security Council
  124. May 27, 1948 Havoc and Destruction in the Old City of Jerusalem
  125. May 30, 1948 Arab Refugees from Jaffa
  126. May 30, 1948 Haganah Takes on Ramleh and Lydda Strongholds
  127. May 30, 1948 Withdrawal of British Officers from Arab Legion
  128. May 30, 1948 Jewish Refugees from Egypt
  129. May 30, 1948 Almost Daily Air Bombardment in Israel
  130. June 1, 1948 Posters Urging Massacre of the Jews, Morocco
  131. June 1, 1948 Fighting by the Port of Nahariya
  132. June 3, 1948 King Abdullah of Jordan
  133. June 4, 1948 Egypt & Lebanon against Jewish State
  134. June 7-8 1948 Jewish Refugees from Morocco
  135. June 11, 1948 Secretary General of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha
  136. June 12, 1948 Peace Talks Scheduled, Arabs May Not Agree to Attend
  137. June 17, 1948 Arab League: U.N. Needs to Shelve Partition Plan
  138. June 21, 1948 Jerusalem Restocked to Near Normal Point
  139. June 30, 1948 Count Bernadotte Proposes Federal  State in Palestine
  140. June 30, 1948 Arab Refugees
  141. July 1948 Zionist Activity Punishable by Execution in Iraq
  142. July 1, 1948 Lieutenant General John Glubb on Palestinian Jews
  143. July 1, 1948 Prime Minister Ben-Gurion on Forgiving Britain
  144. July 1, 1948 Two Arab Monarchs Insist on Full Control of Palestine
  145. July 7, 1948 Israeli Civilian Aircraft Shot Down, Two Killed
  146. July 9, 1948 King Farouk Dissatisfied with Arabs Who Fled Palestine
  147. July 10, 1948 Civilians Flee Lydda and Ramleh Before Towns Captured
  148. July 10, 1948 Israeli Forces Capture Lydda Airport
  149. July 11, 1948 Fighting over Ramleh and Lydda
  150. July 12, 1948 Calm in Lydda Shattered
  151. July 13, 1948 Villages near Lydda Recaptured by Israeli Troops
  152. July 19, 1948 Jewish Department Store in Cairo Blown Up
  153. July 19, 1948 Arab Countries Don’t Agree to Arab League’s Truce
  154. July 20, 1948 Pogrom in Egypt
  155. July 24, 1948 Israel Offers Peace
  156. July 27, 1948 Jewish Refugees – Lebanon
  157. July 28, 1948 Jewish Refugees – Egypt
  158. August 1948 – Jewish Refugees – Egypt
  159. August 1 1948 Jewish Refugees – Egypt
  160. August 1, 1948 Israel Offers Peace
  161. August 3, 1948 Arab Refugees
  162. August 4, 1948 Arab Refugees
  163. August 4, 1948 Israel Seeks Freedom for Jews in Cyprus
  164. August 6, 1948 Israel Asks Arabs to Discuss Peace at Direct Parley
  165. August 12, 1948 Arab Refugees
  166. August 13, 1948 Arab Refugees
  167. August 14, 1948 Arab Refugees
  168. August 16, 1948 Arab Refugees
  169. August 28, 1948 – Jewish Refugees – Iraq
  170. August 31, 1948 Jamal Husseini’s Description of the Palestine Situation
  171. September 1948 Jewish Refugees – Iraq
  172. September 6, 1948 Arab Refugees
  173. September 8, 1948 Arabs to Discontinue Talks on Truce Due to Refugees
  174. September 22, 1948 Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries
  175. September 23, 1948 Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries – Iraq
  176. September 27, 1948 Arab Refugees
  177. September 28, 1948 Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries – Egypt
  178. October 1948 Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries – Egypt
  179. October 2, 1948 Israel Offers Peace
  180. October 8, 1948 Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries – Iraq
  181. October 19, 1948 Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries – Iraq
  182. November 1948 Arab Refugees
  183. November 9, 1948 Raphael Lemkin Coins the Word “Genocide”
  184. November 25, 1948 Jewish State Supported by U.N. Majority
  185. December 1948 Arab Refugees
  186. December 1948 Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries – Yemen
  187. December 14, 1948 100,000 Rally in Egypt against Partition of Palestine

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