King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan and King Iban Saud of Saudi ArabiaTwo Arab Monarchs Insist on Full Control of Palestine:

King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan and King Iban Saud of Saudi Arabia pledged themselves today to a finish fight for “complete Arab independence and control” in Palestine.

A communiqué issued simultaneously by the two monarchs and their cabinets declared Abedullah and Iba Saud “are in complete agreement regarding Arab national aspirations”

The communiqué was issued in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia, and made public at Arab League headquarters here.  The two monarchs have been conferring in Riyadh. 

“We are in complete agreement on support of the Arab league,” the royal communiqué said, “and all its decisions made within the provisions of its charter and the limits of its responsibilities”

“We have faith in Arab League claims, which are to insure consolidation of peace in the Middle East.  This can only be achieved by maintenance of Arabs’ rights and a guarantee of the independence of their countries”

Source: San Francisco Chronicle. July 1, 1948