[Future King of Saudi Arabia] Emir FaisalHUGE CAIRO CROWD MEETS IN PROTEST

In the largest political demonstration ever held in Egypt, about 100,000 persons packed Opera Square this afternoon and called for action against the partition of Palestine.

[Future King of Saudi Arabia] Emir Faisal, tall, thin, bearded and wearing chocolate colored robes and a gold-rimmed headdress of white, spoke, forcibly and right to the point, He commended the Arab efforts against the Palestine Jews to date and said that the “cause of Palestine is the cause of all Arabs.”

“Close ranks,” he added, “and go to the aid of our Arab brethren. By the soul of my father, we will see that Palestine is not partitioned.”

Only yesterday his father, King Ibn Saud, was quoted in an interview as having expressed friendship for the United States and as having denied that Arabia had declared a holy war against Palestine.

Lebanese Minister Riad el Solh Bey, from the same balcony, made an aggressive speech saying that his country would not be intimidated by threats and that thousands of volunteers were being received to aid in the fight against the Jewish state. Syrian Premier Jemil Mardam Bey expressed similar sentiments, which were received with great enthusiasm by the crowd.

Among the most vociferous units in the mob were groups of the Moslem Brotherhood. As the crowd broke up some of them headed for the Abdine Palace for a final demonstration. At the Palace Square there were more speeches.

Source: New York Times, by Gene Currivan, December 14, 1948.