“In Jaffa, Colonel Abdul Wahab Bey arrived with 100 Iraqis who are said to be regular soldiers temporarily retired for the Palestine venture. The Colonel was formerly in an Iraq tank regiment and took part in the ‘Golden Square’ Rebellion during the War as a result of which he spent three years in prison. He speaks English fluently, is displaying a pro British attitude and discourages any action that would bring the Arabs into conflict with the Security Forces. His Presence has had a decidedly pacifying effect on the local population similar to that in the forces in Samaria. Naturally enough the ex-gang leaders of the 1936 Arab revolt accept his presence and what amounts to military governorship with considerable reluctance. Sheikh Hassan Salameh still remains in charge of the guerrillas in the area.”
Source: British in Fortnightly Intelligence Newsletter No. 62, HQ Palestine, dated February 27, 1948