1940-1947: War


Exodus ShipAs World War II heated up in Europe and the massacre of the Holocaust gained momentum, violence in British-ruled Palestine increased as well. In 1941, the Mufti of Jerusalem summoned a Holy War against Britain and collaborated with the Nazis to plan the destruction of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. Fighting broke out between Arabs and Jews and against the British. The British government continued to restrict immigration to Palestine, as did the American government, making it almost impossible for Jewish refugees to flee the genocide in Europe. In 1947, the famous ship Exodus, carrying 4,515 Holocaust survivors, was sent back to Europe with all of its passengers.

  1. December 1941 Wanted for Murder Poster- Sir Harold Mac Michael 
  2. February 1942 The Shame of Winston Churchill
  3. February 24, 1942 The Tragedy of the “Illegal” Immigrant Ship, Struma
  4. June 7 ,1942 British Antisemitism
  5. August 1942 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945
  6. September 7, 1942 The Shame of Winston Churchill
  7. September 8, 1942 The Shame of Winston Churchill
  8. October 5, 1942 The Palestine Deception of Franklin Roosevelt 1933-1945
  9. November 1942 USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  10. May 1941 Summons for a Holy War against Britain by Mufti of Jerusalem
  11. The Mufti, Giving the Nazi Salute, Reviewing Moslem SS Troops
  12. June 1, 1941 Pogrom in Baghdad
  13. June 1, 1941 British Ambassador Reports on Baghdad Pogrom
  14. July 1941 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  15. July 1941 Pogroms in Poland
  16. September 1941 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  17. October 1941 The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
  18. October 12, 1941 The Shame of President Franklin D. Roosevelt: 1933-1945
  19. November 21, 1941 The Mufti of Jerusalem meets Hitler
  20. December 15, 1942 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  21. Dec 17, 1942 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945
  22. Jan 21 1943 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945
  23. Feb 25 1943 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  24. Feb 28, 1943 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  25. March 1, 1943 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  26. March 13, 1943 President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  27. March 19, 1943 Mufti of Jerusalem addresses American Arabs in a Radio Speech
  28. March 27, 1943 The Shame of Prime Minister Winston Churchill
  29. April 1943 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  30. April 6, 1943 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  31. April 8, 1943 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  32. April 10, 1943 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  33. April 20, 1943 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  34. May 1943 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  35. May 16, 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
  36. May 25, 1943 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  37. May 31, 1943 King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia on the Palestine Problem
  38. May 31, 1943 LIFE Magazine Visits Ibn Saud
  39. June 25, 1943 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  40. June 30, 1943 The USA Restricts Entry of Jewish Refugees
  41. July 2, 1943 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  42. July 4, 1944 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945
  43. July 15, 1943 The Jewish Refugee Deception of the USA
  44. July 16, 9143 The Jewish Refugee Deception of the USA
  45. July 22, 1943 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  46. October 6, 1943 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  47. December 1943 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  48. December 13, 1943 President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945
  49. December 15, 1943 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  50. December 20, 1943 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  51. December 20, 1943 The Jewish Refugee Deception of the USA
  52. 1944 Mufti of Jerusalem in his Memoirs
  53. 1944 The Palestine Deception of the USA
  54. 1944 The Shame of Winston Churchill
  55. January 1944 The Palestine Deception of the USA
  56. March 1944 Lord Eden Killearn to British Cabinet Committee
  57. March 1944 The Palestine Deception of the USA
  58. June 1944 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  59. June 1944 Churchill Endorses Population Transfer of Germans
  60. July 27, 1944 The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
  61. August 14, 1944 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  62. September 15, 1944 The Cabinet Committee on Palestine
  63. October 3, 1944 The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
  64. February 14, 1945 The Jewish Refugee Deception of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  65. February 14, 1945 Roosevelt and Ibn Saud Aboard the USS Quincy
  66. February 17, 1945  Churchill and Ibn Saud Meet in Egypt
  67. February 24, 1945 Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon Declare War on Germany
  68. May 1945 British Restrict Jewish Immigration
  69. July 1945 Truman Sends Immigration Official to Inspect Camps
  70. August 1945 Antisemitism of General George Patton
  71. August 1945 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  72. November 19, 1945 President Herbert Hoover: 1929-1933 
  73. December 15, 1945 Great Britain Restricts Jewish Immigration
  74. 1946 Islam Says No to Jewish Homeland and State of Israel
  75. 1946 Palestinian Officials to Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry of 1945
  76. 1946 Report of the Anglo-American Commission
  77. January 30, 1946 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  78. March 12, 1946 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  79. March 22, 1946 British Government’s Alliance with Transjordan
  80. March 25, 1946 Arab Higher Committee to Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry
  81. April 1946 Arab Refusal to Allow Jewish Immigration to Palestine
  82. August 1946 The Shame of Prime Minister Clement Attlee
  83. August 1946 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  84. August 13, 1946 The British Restrict Jewish Immigration
  85. October 1946 President Truman to King of Saudi Arabia
  86. 1947 Mufti Acts to Prevent Jewish Immigration from Europe
  87. February 7, 1947 British Restrict Jewish Land Purchase
  88. February 7, 1947 British Restrict Jewish Immigration to Palestine
  89. February 18, 1947 Creation of Sovereign Jewish State
  90. March 24, 1947 Aleppo, Syrian Jews Attacked and Murdered
  91. April 12, 1947 Britain Refer the Palestinian Problem to the UN
  92. May 1947 Arabs View Palestine as Part of Syria
  93. June 11, 1947 Secretary General Trygve Lie
  94. June 14, 1947 UN Committee of Inquiry Arrives in Lydda Airport
  95. June 22, 1947 The Field Marshal – Viscount Montogomery
  96. July 1947 British Restrict Jewish Purchases of Land
  97. July 11, 1947 The Ship Exodus – British Restriction of Immigration
  98. July 22, 1947 Lebanese Dignitaries Refuse to Recognize  a Jewish Palestine
  99. August 4, 1947 Economic Strictures against Jews in Egypt
  100. August 30, 1947  Arab Brigands Kill a British Army Officer
  101. October 20, 1947 British Connections to the Middle East
  102. November 1947 Fighting in Areas Earmarked for Jewish Statehood
  103. November 1947-July 1949 Arab Refugees
  104. November 11, 1947 The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
  105. November 13, 1947 Lydda Airport Assigned to Jewish State
  106. November 28, 1947 Israel Purchases Three of the Dead Sea Scrolls
  107. November 29, 1947 The UN Creates the State of Israel
  108. November 29, 1947 Civil War Erupts due to Decision to Partition Palestine
  109. November 30, 1947 Attacks on Jews near Ramleh
  110. November 30, 1947 UN was “murdered” in the Eyes of the Arabs
  111. December 1947 Arab Refugees
  112. December 1947 Tens of Jews Killed and Wounded in Aden
  113. December 1, 1947 Thirteen Jews Murdered en route to Ben Shemen
  114. December 1, 1947 Arab Violence in Jerusalem
  115. December 1, 1947 Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Jihad
  116. December 1, 1947 The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
  117. December 2, 1947 Arabs Protest Palestine Partition
  118. December 3, 1947 The New York Times: Violence in Jerusalem
  119. December 3, 1947 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain
  120. December 4, 1947 Armed Arabs Attack Kibbutz Efal
  121. December 4, 1947 Protest against the Partition Plan in Cairo, Egypt
  122. December 4, 1947 Israel Offers Peace
  123. December 4, 1947 Arabs Attack Vehicles Next to Ramleh
  124. December 4, 1947 British Gov’t Fails to Protect Travelers on the Roads
  125. December 5, 1947 Jewish Truck Ambushed
  126. December 7, 1947 Acting Chairman of the Palestine Arab Higher Committee
  127. December 7, 1947 Murder of Leading Member of Haganah
  128. December 8, 1947 Police Disarms Haganah Guards on Jewish Buses
  129. December 9, 1947 Lebanese and Jerusalem Arabs say No to Jewish Homeland
  130. December 10, 1947 Palmach Soldiers Murdered in the Negev
  131. December 11, 1947 Convoy Attacked between Jerusalem and Etzion Bloc
  132. December 12, 1947 British Restrict Jewish Immigration to Palestine
  133. December 12, 1947 Murder on British Airways Bus in Lydda
  134. December 13, 1947  Terror Attacks on Road through Ramleh
  135. December 14, 1947 Arab Legion Attacks Jews and British Soldiers
  136. December 14, 1947 Arab Attack on Arms Store in Ramleh
  137. December 16, 1947 Arab Attack in Haifa
  138. December 19, 1947 Arab High Executive in Palestine
  139. December 19, 1947 Raid on Food Trains between Haifa and Lydda
  140. December 20, 1947 Arab Attackers near Rehovoth
  141. December 24, 1947 British Refuse to Allow Use of Jerusalem Airport
  142. December 31, 1947 British Authorities Praise Conduct of Arab Police

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