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October 1946 President Truman to King of Saudi Arabia

Harry TrumanLetter to the King of Saudi Arabia

β€œThe Government and the people of the United States have given support to the concept of a Jewish national home in Palestine ever since the termination of the First World War, which resulted in the freeing of a large area of the Near East, including Palestine, and the establishment of a number of independent states which are now members of the United Nations. The United States, which contributed its blood and resources to the winning of that war, could not divest itself of a certain responsibility for the manner in which the freed territories were disposed of, or for the fate of the peoples liberated at that time. It took the position, that a national home for the Jewish people should be established in Palestine. I am happy to note that most of the liberated peoples are now citizens of independent countries. The Jewish national home, however, has not as yet been fully developed.

It is only natural, therefore, that this government should favor at this time the entry into Palestine of considerable numbers of displaced Jews in Europe, not only that they may find shelter there but also that they may contribute their talents and energies to the up building of the Jewish national home.”

Source: Gervasi, Frank. The Case For Israel. P 200.

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