The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem:
“To the Reichsfuehrer and Reichsminister H.Himmler
Headquarters of the Fuehrer
Reichsfuehrer! I permit myself to call to your attention the renewal of the dangerous demands of the Jews, with the support of the Allies, for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, as well as the approval given by the British government to the establishment of a Jewish military unit to fight against Germany with a view to thus winning title to such a state. According to the last speech of Churchill in the House of Commons on September 28, 1944, the British government has declared itself ready to establish such a military unit and to provide for its training and arming.
This declaration on the part of the British government has produced the worst possible reaction in all the Arab-Islamic countries. I THEREFORE PROPOSE THAT AS A CHALLENGE TO THIS ACT THERE SHOULD BE ANNOUNCED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ARAB-ISLAMIC ARMY IN GERMANY. This army should be established by Arab and Islamic volunteers and should be merge with the Arab-Islamic countries units already in existence. The German government should declare its readiness to train and arm such an army. Thus it would level a severe blow against the British plan and increase the number of fighters for a greater Germany.
I am convinced that the establishment of such an army and announcement of its purpose would have the most favorable repercussions in the Arab-Islamic countries. I therefore beg you to consider the possibility of making such an announcement on November 2, 1944. It would thus appear on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour Declaration pledging the establishment of the so-called Jewish National Home in 1917, and on the anniversary of the pledge of 1943 by the Foreign Minister of the Reich to destroy the so-called Jewish National Home.
Accept, Reichsfuehreer, the expression of my highest esteem Yours