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December 1943 The Palestine Deception of Great Britain

Churchill and his Chief of Staffs 1945In December 1943 the British government opposed a plan for evacuating Jews from France and Rumania because

the Foreign Office are concerned with the difficulties of disposing of any considerable number of Jews should they be rescued from enemy occupied territory… they foresee that it is likely to prove almost if not quite impossible to deal with anything like the number of 70,000 refugees whose rescue is envisaged.’

Source: Wyman, David. The Abandonment of the Jews. P 98-100; New York Times April 8, 1943; MD 88II/48-9, Cabinet Com on Refs, 5/31/44; FR 1941, v 2, 875-6, Alexander to Long, 5/7/43; Reams to Stettinius, 10/8/43, BLP, B202 Refs.

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