August 30, 1947 Arab Brigands kill a British Army officer in Palestine
“Arab brigands killed a British Army officer in Palestine this afternoon. There were four bombings tonight.
The killing of the officer was the second serious Arab attack on an officer of the British security forces within the last seventeen days. The official report said that two British Army officers, traveling in a military vehicle south of Hebron, saw six Arabs holding up a civilian vehicle.
The Arabs fired at the officers and wounded one who died later in a hospital. His name will not be disclosed until his family is notified.
On Aug 30 British Police Inspector John Martin Flanagan was wounded when a band of men who appear to be Arabs fired on the car in which he was driving between Lydda and Tel Aviv. The wife of a British police sergeant, who was riding in the car, also was hit.”
Source: New York Times, September 16, 1947
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