October 12, 1941 The Shame of President Franklin D. Roosevelt: 1933-1945


Letter regarding Frank Family 1 Letter re Frank Family 2The family of Ann Frank is denied admittance to the United States. RE: Otto FRANK, 37 Merwedeplein, Amsterdam Z Gentlemen: – We beg to acknowledge receipt of your cable of September 22nd: “Can Otto Frank Merwedeplein 37 secure exitpermit transit visa Spain friend preparing affidavits Cable reply” We have meanwhile discussed this matter with Mr. Otto Frank who by mistake had addressed his answer to your cable to the Joint. Mr. Frank has asked us to give you a detailed report about the situation. He himself has written some days ago to his American friends and has informed them that we would give you this report. The situation is as follows: The Frank family consists of:
  • Otto H. Franka, born 12.5.1889 in Frankfurt a/Main.
  • His wife Edith née Holländer, born 16.1.1900, in Aachen.
  • His daughter Margot, born 16.2.1926 in Frankfurt a/Main.
  • His mother-in-law Rose Holländer (née Stern), born 25.12.1866 Bad Schwalbach.
The following relatives and friends are interested in the Frank family.
  • Julius Holländer o/o Swardbik, Highstreet 138, Canton Mass.
  • Walter Holländer, 69 Merriam Ave, Leominster Mass.
  • Nathan Straus, Shoreham Hotel, Calvert Street, Washington D.C.
Mr. Frank’s friend Nathan Straus has written on September 12th that according to information received the State Department in Washington will accept his affidavit in behalf of Mr. Frank, but that, of course, it would be necessary for this gentleman (e.g. Otto) to go to some neutral country. Owing to the fact that it will be impossible for Mr. Frank to leave here for some neutral country without a valid visa, it is suggested that a Cuba visum will be secured either for Mr. Frank alone or for himself and all members of his family. Mr. Frank informed us further that his brothers-in-law Messrs. Julius and Walter Holländer, and that his mother-in-law as well as his two children can live with his brothers-in-law, but he is convinced that this is all in their power. He therefore would be obliged to you for getting into touch with Mr. Nathan Straus asking him to be kind enough to give the necessary money either for a Cuba-visum for himself or, if Mr. Straus is willing to do so, also for his family. As Mr. Straus has written himself that the State Department will accept his affidavit, Mr. Otto Frank is of the opinion that he perhaps need not at all go to Cuba, so that the money deposited for the irrevocable credit as well as for the landing deposit, may be returned unused after Mr. Frank and his family have received their U.S.A. visa to be secured by Mr. Nathan Straus and the members of the Frank-Holländer family. Mr. Frank wishes to lay stress upon the fact that he is absolutely willing to go alone to Cuba or U.S.A., should Mr. Nathan Straus not be able or willing to deposit the rather large sums which are needed for five persons. Perhaps you can see your way to have an interview with Mr. Straus and Messrs. Holländer together, so that these gentlemen between themselves can see what best can be done. Should you think it advisable to discuss at the same time the question of transportation cost which is only clear with regard to Mrs. Holländer, kindly do so. At any rate we shall be much obliged for your kind assistance in this matter and hope to receive soon your favorable news. Very truly yours, Joodsche Raad Voor Amsterdam Afdeeling Ondersteuning on Maatschappelijk Weik

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