Cover of Der Judenstaat, Feb. 1896

Cover of Der Judenstaat, Feb. 1896

In Der Judenstaat, Herzl outlined his vision of the Jewish State: The idea I have developed in this pamphlet is an ancient one: It is the restoration of the Jewish State. . . The decisive factor is our propelling force. And what is that force? The plight of the Jews....

1800-1900: The Awakening of Zionism

1800-1900: The Awakening of Zionism   The 19th century saw the awakening of political Zionism. The Dreyfus Affair galvanized Theodore Herzl to demand a homeland for the Jewish people. He published his seminal work, Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) and met with...

Theodor Herzl

Primary Sources August 1897, Predicts that there would be a State of Israel by 1947 October 21 1898, Diaries Central Zionist Archives October 29 1898, His Diary October 28, 1898, Kaiser meets Wilhelm II of Germany in Palestine Secondary Sources October 18 1898, Meets...