1. Isaiah ScrollOverview
    1. Amos, Christine Hayes, Open Yale Courses (Transcription), 2006.
    2. Hosea and Isaiah, Christine Hayes, Open Yale Courses (Transcription), 2006.
    3. Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum and Habbakuk, Christine Hayes, Open Yale Courses (Transcription), 2006.
    4. Perspectives on the Exile (Jeremiah, Ezekiel and 2nd Isaiah), Christine Hayes, Open Yale Courses (Transcription), 2006.
    5. Biblical History- From Isaiah to Jeremiah, c. 700-586 BCE, Steven Feldman, COJS.
    6. The Divided Kingdom 922-722, Teddy Kollek and Moshe Pearlman, Jerusalem- Sacred City of Mankind, Steimatzky Ltd., Jerusalem, 1991.
    7. Isaiah and Hezekiah 715-687, Teddy Kollek and Moshe Pearlman, Jerusalem- Sacred City of Mankind, Steimatzky Ltd., Jerusalem, 1991.
  2. Primary sources
    1. Quotations from the Book of Isaiah
  3. Secondary sources
    1. The Prophet Jeremiah and the Exile to Babylonia, Bryna Jochebed Levy, COJS.
    2. Isaiah the Prophet, 8th century BCE
    3. Commentary on Isaiah Chapters 13-27, Tziporah Levine, COJS.
    4. Commentary on Isaiah Chapters 1-12, Tziporah Levine, COJS.
    5. Six Biblical Signatures, Tsvi Schneider, BAR 17-04, Jul-Aug 1991.
  4. Images
    1. The Beginning of the Isaiah Scroll
    2. The Isaiah Scroll
    3. The Isaiah Wall at the United Nations, New York
    4. The Prophet Isaiah, Raffaello Sanzio, Church of Sant’Agostino, Rome.
    5. Isaiah, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Sistine Chapel, 1509.
    6. The Prophet Jeremiah, Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1508-1512.
    7. Jeremiah Laments the Destruction of Jerusalem, Rembrandt (1606-1669).
    8. Cry of Prophet Jeremiah on the Ruins of Jerusalem, Ilya Yefimovich Repin, 1870.
    9. The Prophet Amos, Gustave Doré (1832-1883).
    10. Ezekiel’s Tomb, Kifel, Iraq, 1932.
  5. Videos
    1. Amos, Christine Hayes.
    2. Hosea and Isaiah, Christine Hayes.
    3. Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum and Habbakuk, Christine Hayes.
    4. Perspectives on the Exile (Jeremiah, Ezekiel and 2nd Isaiah), Christine Hayes.
  6. Websites
    1. The Great Isaiah Scroll
  7. Further reading
    1. Hebrew Prophets Bibliography
    2. Isaiah — Bibliography
    3. Jeremiah Bibliography