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1946 Report of the Anglo-American Commission

1946 Report of the Anglo-American Commission   “As pioneers in Palestine,” “the Jews have a record of which they can be proud.  In Palestine there has been no expulsion of the indigenous population and exploitation of cheap Arab Labour has been vigorously opposed...

July 11, 1947 THE SHIP EXODUS

July 11, 1947 THE SHIP EXODUS   July 11, 1947 British Restriction of Jewish Immigration See Movie “Exodus” Exodus was a ship carrying 4,515 Holocaust survivors, that left France on July 11, 1947 with the intent of taking its passengers to Palestine. Most of the...

From Egypt to Sinai, Christine Hayes

From Egypt to Sinai, Christine Hayes   This lecture traces the account of the Exodus (and the origin of the Passover festival as a historicization of older nature festivals) and Israel’s liberation from bondage under Pharaoh. The story reaches its climax...