Theodor Herzl


  1. Primary Sources
    1. August 1897, Predicts that there would be a State of Israel by 1947
    2. October 21 1898, Diaries Central Zionist Archives
    3. October 29 1898, His Diary
    4. October 28, 1898, Kaiser meets Wilhelm II of Germany in Palestine
  2. Secondary Sources
    1. October 18 1898, Meets Kaiser Wilhelm II of German in Palestine
    2. Jan 5, 1895, Trial of Alfred Dreyfus
    3. February 1896 Theodor Herzl Publishes Der Judenstaat
    4. August 1897, Theodore Herzl Predicts that there would be a state of Israel by 1947
    5. January 13, 1898 I Accuse Letter to President of the Republic
    6. October 18, 1898 Theodor Herzl Meets Kaiser Wilhelm II  Of German in Palestine
    7. October 19, 1898, Meets Kaiser Wilhelm II of German in Palestine on board the Imperator Nicholas II
    8. October 28, 1898, Kaiser meets Wilhelm II of Germany in Palestine
    9. October 28, 1898 Theodor Herzl Meets Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany in Palestine
    10. October, 29, 1898. Meets Kaiser Wilhelm II Germany Jerusalem
    11. October 29, 1898, Kaiser Wilhelm II Germany sent address August Eulenburg following cov­ering letter
    12. October 29, 1898 Theodor Herzl Meets Kaiser Wilhelm II  of Germany
    13. October 29, 1898 Theodor Herzl and Kaiser Wilhelm II  Of Germany
    14. October 19 1898 Theodor Herzl meets Kaiser William II of Germany
    15. 1900 Theodor Herzl and Captain Alfred Draftees Anti-Semite
    16. 1903, Theodor Herzl
    17. July 3rd, 1904, dies aged 44 in Edlach, Austria-Hungary
    18. July 3rd, 1904 Theodore Herzl
    19. 1920 Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandies
    20. July 3, 2004, Herzl’s dream 100 years after his death, Geoffrey Wheatcroft, International Herald Tribune
    21. July 1906, Captain Alfred Dreyfus
  3. Images
    1. February 1896, Publishes Der Judenstaat The Jewish State
    2. 1897, Cover of Das Neue Ghetto a play written by Herzl
    3. 1900, Captain Alfred Draftees Anti Semite

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