Damascus Gate

  1. Overview
    1. Ottoman Jerusalem 1517-1917, Teddy Kollek and Moshe Pearlman, Jerusalem- Sacred City of Mankind, Steimatzky Ltd., Jerusalem, 1991.
  2. Artifacts
    1. Mohammed Manuscript, 16th century
    2. Jews from Worms, 16th century
    3. Silver Lion Dollars, 16th-17th century
    4. Martin Luther Burns the Papal Bull, Dec. 10, 1520
    5. Suleiman the Magnificent, 1520-1566
    6. Suleiman the Magnificent Inscription, 1520-1566
    7. Firman on the Western Wall
    8. Tyndale New Testament, 1526
    9. Nicolaus Copernicus’ Theory of Heliocentricity, 1533
    10. Rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem, 1538-1541
    11. Damascus Gate, 1538
    12. The Zion Gate, 1540
    13. Pilgrims Arrested, 1556
    14. Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642
    15. Battle of Lepanto, 1571
    16. Drawing of Jerusalem, 1581
    17. Itinerary of the Holy Land, 1598
    18. King James Bible, 1611
    19. Nicolas Poussin’s Destruction of Jerusalem, 1625-26
    20. Walton Polyglot Bible, 1654-1657
    21. A Journal of the Plague Year, 1665
    22. Leipnik Haggadah, 1740
    23. Italian Ketubah, 1776
    24. Edict of Toleration, 1782
    25. Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery, 1836
    26. Abdülmecid I Mosaic, 1839-1861
    27. Wahhabi Manuscript, 1853
    28. Carl Werner’s Interior of the Dome of the Rock, 1863
    29. Carl Werner’s Holy Rock, 1864
    30. The Seligman-Hilton Affair, 1877
    31. Church of Mary Magdalene, 1886
    32. Afghan Ketubah, 1889
    33. Church of Scotland Hospice, 1894
    34. The Protestant Cemetery in Jerusalem, 1896
    35. Dormitian Abbey, 1900
    36. Augusta Victoria, 1907
    37. Ottoman Ceramic Pipes
  3. Articles
    1. Books in Brief- The Holy Land, Yesterday the Holy Land, Neil Asher Silberman, BAR 9-06, Nov-Dec 1983.
    2. Restoring the Reputation of Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope, Neil Asher Silberman, BAR 10-04, Jul-Aug 1984.
    3. Books in Brief- Jerusalem- Rebirth of a City, Neil Asher Silberman, BAR 12-04, Jul-Aug 1986.
    4. Jerusalem Model Rediscovered, Helen Davis, BAR 13-01, Jan-Feb 1987.
    5. O Jerusalem, Michael R. Shurkin, BAR 30-03, May-Jun 2004.
    6. James Turner Barclay- Adventurer, Author, Missionary, or Madman, Eretz Magazine.
  4. Maps
    1. The Ottoman Empire, 1481-1683
    2. The Ottoman Empire, 1683
    3. The Middle East, c. 1914

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