1. Naomi Entreating Ruth and OrpahOverview
    1. Daniel and Apocalyptic Literature, Christine Hayes, Open Yale Courses (Transcription), 2006.
  2. Primary sources
    1. Ruth 1-4
    2. Isaiah 56-66
    3. Joel 1-4
    4. Daniel 1-12
    5. Haggai 1- Rebuilding the House of the Lord
    6. Haggai 2- Recalling the Splendor of the First Temple
    7. Zechariah 3-14- The Prophecy of Restoration
  3. Artifacts
    1. Nabonidus Cylinder, 555-540 BCE
    2. Prayer of Nabonidus
    3. The Murashû Archive, late 5th century BCE
    4. Prophetic Text, 1st century BCE
    5. King Uzziah Burial Inscription, c. 50 CE
  4. Secondary sources
    1. Zionism Revisited- Nabonidus, Cyrus, and the Return to Zion, Bryna Jochebed Levy, copyright COJS.
    2. The Son of God Text, Lawrence Schiffman, Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1994.
    3. James D. Purvis, and Eric Meyers. “Exile and Return- From the Babylonian Destruction to the Reconstruction of the Jewish State.” Part IV
  5. Images
    1. Naomi Entreating Ruth and Orpah to Return to the Land of Moab, William Blake, 1795.
    2. The Prophet Joel, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Sistine Chapel, 1508-1512.
    3. The Vision of the Four Chariots, Gustave Doré, 1865.
    4. Fiery Furnace, Catacombs of Priscilla, Rome, 3rd-4th century CE.
    5. Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Peter Paul Rubens, 1613-1615.
    6. Daniel’s Answer to the King, Briton Rivière, 1890.
    7. Belshazzar’s Feast and the Writing on the Wall, Rembrandt (1606-1669).
  6. Videos
    1. Daniel and Apocalyptic Literature, Christine Hayes.
  7. Further reading
    1. Ruth and Esther – Gender-Related Bibliography