- Mad to See the Monuments, Steven W. Holloway, Bible Review (17:6) Dec. 2001.
- Keith Whitelam Claims Bible Scholars Suppress Palestinian History in Favor of Israelites, Biblical Archaeology Review Mar/Apr 1996.
- The Rose of Jericho—Symbol of the Resurrection, Jacob Friedman, Zippora Stein and Amotz Dafni, Biblical Archaeology Review (6:5), Sep/Oct 1980.
- What Does the Bible Say? Translations speak in many tongues, Dewey M. Beegle, Biblical Archaeology Review (8:6), Nov/Dec 1982.
- Putting the Bible on the Map, James Fleming, Biblical Archaeology Review (9:6), Nov/Dec 1983.
- Thoughts in the Dirt at Dan, Daniel S. Wolk, Biblical Archaeology Review (10:1), Jan/Feb 1984.
- Excavation Tactics and Strategy, Biblical Archaeology Review (11:1), Jan/Feb 1985.
- A Thousand Years of History in Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter, Nitza Rosovsky, Biblical Archaeology Review (18-3), May/Jun 1992.
- Nahman Avigad: In Memoriam, Frank Moore Cross, Biblical Archaeology Review (18:3), May/Jun 1992.
- Nahman Avigad, 1905–1992, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review (18:3), May/Jun 1992.
- The Philistines and the Dothans, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review (19:4), Jul/Aug 1993.
- Archaeological Encyclopedia for the ’90s, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review (19:6), Nov/Dec 1993.
- Jerusalem as Textbook, Gideon Avni, Biblical Archaeology Review (22:3), May/Jun 1996.
- Face to Face: Biblical Minimalists Meet Their Challengers, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review (23:4), Jul/Aug 1997.
- Archaeology and the Biblical Text, Fredric R. Brandfon, Biblical Archaeology Review (14:1), Jan/Feb 1988.
- Save Us from Postmodern Malarkey, William G. Dever, Biblical Archaeology Review (26:2), Mar/Apr 2000.
- Holy Targets: Joseph’s Tomb Is Just the Latest, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review (27:1), Jan/Feb 2001.
- Scrolls, Scripts and Stelae, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review (28:5), Sep/Oct 2002.
- First Person: The Anonymous Archaeologist, Hershel Shanks, Biblical Archaeology Review (28:5), Sep/Oct 2002.
- Chronology of Principle Ancient Sources
- Chronological Table
- Crossroads Timeline- Ancient Sojourns through the Holy Land
- Architectural History of Jerusalem, Charles Warren and Claude Reigner Conder, The Survey of Western Palestine, Palestine Exploration Fund, London, 1884.
- Dissemination, Division and Difference, John Reeve, Sacred- Books of the Three Faiths, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, The British Library, London, 2007.
- Videos
- What is Jewish art? Prof. Steven Fine. Produced by Down Low Pictures for COJS.
- What makes archaeology exciting? Prof. Steven Fine. Produced by Down Low Pictures for COJS.
- How can an archaeological discovery change our interaction with the past? Prof. Steven Fine. Produced by Down Low Pictures for COJS.
- Why were the Zionists attracted to the discipline of archaeology? Prof. Steven Fine. Produced by Down Low Pictures for COJS.
- Maps
- Websites
- Archaeology Magazine
- Archaeological Institute of America
- The Bible and Interpretation
- Bible History Online
- Biblical Archaeology
- Biblical Archaeology Society
- The British Museum
- City of David
- Dig- The Archaeology Magazine for Kids
- Digging Jerusalem
- Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv
- Eye on Israel
- Hecht Museum
- The Institute of Archaeology – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Introduction to the Bible
- Israel Antiquities Authority
- Israel Museum
- Jewish and Other Imperial Cultures in Late Antiquity
- Jewish National & University Library
- Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
- The Megiddo Expedition
- The Oriental Institute of the of the University of Chicago
- The Palestine Exploration Fund
- Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel by Julius Wellhausen (e-book)
- The Ramat Rahel Archaeological Project
- The Schøyen Collection- The Bible
- Society of Biblical Literature
- Tel Beth-Shean- An Account of the Hebrew University Excavations
- Tel Dan Excavations
- Tower of David Museum
- University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology- Canaan and Ancient Israel
- Further reading