Merneptah Stele Full ViewExodus 12:17-18:

“You shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread…  In the first month (Nisan), from the 14th day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread until the 21st day of the month at evening.”

From the first mention of a Passover celebration in 419 BCE, to an eyewitness account of the celebration of Passover in 66 CE and an excuse for the expulsion from Spain, archaeological evidence and documents show that Passover was observed throughout the centuries.

  1. Celebrating Passover in Jerusalem, April 15, 419 BCE
  2. An Eyewitness Account of Passover in Jerusalem, 66 CE
  3. “Unleavened Bread” as a Reason for Expulsion of Jews from Spain
  4. “Proof” of the Exodus
    1. The Israelites Enter Egypt
    2. The Merneptah Stele, The Israelites are in Canaan, 1210 BCE
    3. If Moses lived 120 years, he would have been alive during the reign of King Tut, 1332–1323 BCE
    4. Brickmaking without straw, 1250 BCE
    5. The unleavened bread, 1351 BCE
    6. Slaves escape and are seen at Migdol, 1250 BCE
    7. The Pharaoh of the Exodus, 1279-1213 BCE