- Moses Cordevero, Pardes Rimmonim, 16, 34a
- Zohar Hadash, 62b
- Moses Cordevero, Zohar ‘im Perush ’Or Yaqar (Jerusalem, 1986), 14-109
- Jacob Semah, Semah Saddiq
- Hayim Vital,‘Es Hayyim, 35-1, 50c-d
- Eleazar of Worms, MS Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale héb. 772, fol. 144b
- Eleazar of Worms, Perush ha-Tefillot we-ha-Berakhot, pt. 1, pp. 97-98
- MS Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica ebr. 228, fol. 19a
- David ben Solomon ibn Abi Zimra, Mesudat David, 24b-d
- David ben Solomon ibn Abi Zimra, Magen David (Munkacs, 1912), 24b-c
- Zohar 3:100b
- Moses de Leon, Book of the Pomegranate, Edited by Wolfson, 162-3
- Sefer Hasidim, § 978
- Zohar 3:12b-13a
- Zohar 3:260a
- Eleazar of Worms, Perushe Siddur ha-Tefillah la-Roqeah, 287
- Sefer Hasidim, par. 1585
- Zohar 2:97b
- Zohar 1:84b
- Zohar 1:115b-116a
- Zohar 2:170b-171a
- Moses de Leon, Shushan ‘Edut, pp. 363-364
- Wayyikra Rabbah, 20-10, p. 466
- Tanhuma, ed. Buber, Bemidbar, 20
- Otzar ha-Geonim, ed. B. Lewin, vol. 7- Tractate Yevamot (Jerusalem, 1936), p. 314.
- Judah ben Barzillai al-Barceloni, Perush Sefer Yesirah, pp. 31-32
- Judah ben Barzillai al-Barceloni, Perush Sefer Yesirah, p. 39
- Otzar ha-Geonim, ed. B. M. Lewin, vol. 11- Sotah (Jerusalem, 1942), p. 235
- Moses Hayyim Luzzatto, ’Adir ba-Marom, p. 37
- Moses Hayyim Luzzatto, Qin’at ha-Shem Seva’ot, p. 115.
- MS JTSA Mic. 1727, fols. 18a-b
- Zohar 1:110b
- Iyyun Circle, 13th century. MS JTSA Mic. 1822, fol. 7a
- Tiqqune Zohar, 18, 31b
- Zohar 3:280b
- Tiqqune Zohar, 1, 18a
- Early 14th century, Sefer ha-Malkhut (Casablanca, 1930), 23a
- Eleazar of Worms, Sha‘ar ha-Sod ha-Yihud we-ha-’Emunah pp. 147-148
- Eleazar of Worms. Sefer ha-Shem, MS British Museum 737, fol. 378a
- Judah the Pious, MS Oxford-Bodleian 1567, fol. 3b
- Anonymous text of the German Pietists, Merkavah Shelemah, 30a
- MS Oxford-Bodleian 1568, fol. 23a
- Tradition reported in the name of three figures, Judah he-Hasid, Joel he-Hasid, and Qalonymous he-Hasid-Merkavah Shelemah, 30a; cf. ‘Arugat ha-Bosem, 4-78, n. 41.
- Sefer Hasidim, § 1585, p. 387
- Sefer Hasidim § 637
- Sefer ha-Navon, cited from, Dan, Studies, pp. 119-120
- Elazar of Worms, Sefer ha-Hokhmah, MS Oxford-Bodleian 1568, fols. 5a-b
- Isaac of Acre, Me’irat ‘Einayim, p. 85.
- Nahmanides’ commentary to Exod. 20:2
- Zohar 1:94b
- Zohar 1:15b-16a
- Zohar 3:77b
- Zohar 3:59b
- Zohar Hadash, 29a
- Naphtali Bachrach, ‘Emeq ha-Melekh (Amsterdam, 1648), 144c
- Zohar 3-22a
- All Shekhinah Texts
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