May 15, 1948 Arab Legion


The strange story of the Legion’s part in the Arab invasion of Palestine can best be told by excerpts from General Glubb’s own memoirs: May 15th, 1948 Arabs Attack Jewish State                                                                                              The four regiments of the Arab Legion which were to cross to Palestine on May 15th had been camped in the desert just north of Zerqa.  They were to move on May 14th from Zerqa to Amman and thence down the long twisting road to the Jordan valley, four thousand feet below.  They were to bivouac on the east bank of the Jordan and cross the Allenby Bridge at dawn on May 15th.  The Mandate was to end officially at midnight, May 14th-15th, though the British in practice evacuated Jerusalem on the morning of May 14th. ON MAY 16TH, 1948, THE DAY AFTER THE ARAB LEGION CROSSED THE JORDAN, THE BELGIAN CONSUL-GENERAL IN JERUSALEM CALLED ON KING ABDULLAH IN AMMAN.  HE CAME IN THE NAME OF SECURITY COUNCIL TO PROTEST TO KING ABDULLAH AGAINST THE ‘UNILATERAL AGGRESSION’ COMMITTED BY THE ARAB ARMIES BY THEIR ENTRY INTO PALESTINE.” Source: Memoirs of General John Glubb

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