by hadassah | Nov 14, 2024 | Arabs Say No to Jewish Homeland, Presence in the Land
1903 Lydda, Ramleh, Ben Shemen “In the autumn of 1903, after the Sixth Zionist Congress, the Anglo-Palestine Bank purchased 2,330 dunams of land in the village of Haditha for 80,730 francs. Of that area, 1,946 dunams were fertile and flat, while the remaining...
by hadassah | Jun 25, 2018 | Arabs Say No to Jewish Homeland
Palestine National Charter of 1964 Introduction: we, the Palestinian Arab people, who waged fierce and continuous battles to safeguard its homeland, to defend its dignity and honor, and who offered all through the years continuous caravans of immortal martyrs,...
by hadassah | May 8, 2018 | Arabs Say No to Jewish Homeland
December 1951 Director of UNRWA in report to the Sixth General Assembly December 1951 Arab Refugees The Director of UNRWA in his report to the Sixth General Assembly, wrote: “The refugees are better off than the poorest levels of the native population, and in...
by hadassah | May 8, 2018 | Arabs Say No to Jewish Homeland
October 7, 1951 David Ben Gurion David Ben Gurion, the Prime Minister of Israel, in presenting the policies of his Government to the Parliament stated: “The Government … will strive for permanent peace with the neighboring countries, in cooperation with them in...
by hadassah | May 8, 2018 | Arabs Say No to Jewish Homeland
October 1951 Palestine Conciliation Commission October 1951 Islam Says No to Jewish Homeland and State of Israel At the meetings of the Palestine Conciliation Commission, the Arab states refused to agree to a pledge of non-aggression against Israel, a pledge...
by hadassah | May 8, 2018 | Arabs Say No to Jewish Homeland
September 27, 1951 The Times of London The Times of London When in September 1951 the Palestine Concilliation Commission submitted a five point peace proposal to the Israel and Arab delegations, providing inter alia for the “repatriation of Arab refugees in...