March 28, 1921 Mousa Kasem El-Hussaini
Mousa Kasem El-Hussaini, President of the Executive Committee of the Arab Palestine Congress, letter to Winston Churchill while in Jerusalem
“First: The principle of a National Home for the Jews be abolished.
Second: A National Government be created. Which shall be responsible to a Parliament elected by the Palestinian people who existed in Palestine before the war (World War I).
Third: A stop be put to Jewish immigration until such a time as a National Government is formed.
Fourth: Laws and regulations before the war be still carried out and all others until a National Government comes into being.”
Source: 53, p. 243. Appendix 23, Deputation of Executive Committee of the Haifa Congress Report on Middle East Conference Held in Cairo And Jerusalem, March 12th to 30th, 1921
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