March 25, 1925 Arab Newspaper La Palestine


March 25, 1925 Arabs Say No to Jewish Homeland – State of Israel “A Special Edition in English issued  (e.g. aRAB nEWSPAPER La Palestine) on the occasion of the visit to Palestine of Lord Balfour, the statesman with whose name is associated the declaration which to the Arabs signifies the death knell of all the hopes they cherished when the victorious British Armies entered their country in 1918. J’Accuse!
  1. The British government, of having allowed itself to becmome a tool in the hands of the jews for the prpose of furthering their nationalist aims in palestine.
  2. the league of nations, of seeking to administer in palestine a mandate which is incompatible with article 22 of the covenant of the league under which the mandatory system is set up.
  3. the government of Palestine, of pursuing with open eyes a Policy which, by granting a focused position to the Jewish minority, is unjust to the Arab majority in Palestine
I call Upon The British Parliament, the people of the British Empire, and the League of Nations to demand of the Government of Palestine, that the words of the ROYAL PROCLMATION read in Jerusalem and Haifa in July 1920 by the High Commissioner for Palestine; and those of the ANGLO-FRENCH DECLARATION of November 1918 issued in Palestine by Lord Allenby, shall be respected, viz:
  1. The Royal Prolcamation
‘To the People of Palestine’ ‘I desire to assure you of the absolute impartiality with which the duties of the Mandatory Power will be carried out, and of the determination of My Government to respect the rights of every race and every creed represented among you…’ Georege R and I.
  1. The Anglo-French Declaration
‘the object aimed at by France and Great Britain… is, the complete and definite emancipation of the peoples so long oppressed by the Turk and establishment of national government and administrations deriving their authority from the imitative and free choice of the indigenous populations… Far from wishing to impose on the populations of these regions any particular institution they are only concerned to ensure by their support and by adequate assistance the regular working of Governments and administrations freely chosen by the populations themselves…’ Frances E. Newton Mount Carmel, Palestine“  

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