by hadassah | Nov 7, 2016 | Bible and Beyond, Judges
Has Joshua’s Altar Been Found on Mt. Ebal? Adam Zertal, BAR 11:01, Jan/Feb 1985 To appreciate fully the significance of the unique altar and cult center we are excavating on Mt. Ebal, one must first understand the archaeological context in which these...
by hadassah | Nov 7, 2016 | Bible and Beyond, Judges
“From These Hills … ” Suzanne F. Singer, BAR 4-2, Jun 1978 For almost two decades and still continuing, Israeli archaeologist Beno Rothenberg has investigated the Timna Valley—called in Arabic wadi Mene’iyeh and known to thousands of visitors as “King Solomon’s...
by hadassah | Oct 27, 2016 | Bible and Beyond, Judges
Oldest Hebrew Letters Found Near Tel Aviv BAR 2-4, Dec 1976 A clay tablet containing 80 Hebrew letters arranged in five lines has been found in an excavation outside Tel Aviv at Izbet Sarte. The letters appear to date from about the end of the 11th century...
by hadassah | Aug 3, 2016 | Exodus, Judges
Did The Philistines Destroy The Israelite Sanctuary at Shiloh? The Archaeological Evidence,” Biblical Archaeology Review, Jun 1975 The shoals in the sea of archaeology are treacherous indeed. Take the case of Marie-Louise Buhl. Ms. Buhl, a Keeper of the...
by hadassah | Jan 28, 2009 | Judges
Judges, 1200-1000 BCE Highlights- Bronze Bull, c. 1200 BCE Ramesses III and the Philistines, 1175 BCE Turin Papyrus, c. 1150 BCE Cult Stands, 12th-10th century BCE Just as the period in Egypt and the Exodus is not fully known to historians, the emergence of the...
by hadassah | Jan 22, 2009 | Bible and Beyond, Judges
Stone Stepped Structure, 12th century BCE This restored Stepped Stone Structure was built in Jebusite Jerusalem, in an area known today as Area G in the City of David. It was revealed in the excavations of Duncan and Macalister, Kenyon and Shiloh, and is one of...