Ottoman Conquest, 1517-1699

Ottoman Conquest, 1517-1699   Highlights- Rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem, 1538-1541 King James Bible, 1611 Nicolas Poussin’s Destruction of Jerusalem, 1625-26 The Ottoman star was very much in the ascendant by the time Selim I reached the throne. (“Ottoman”...

The Fertile Crescent and Egypt

The Fertile Crescent and Egypt     Courtesy of Biblical Archaeology Society What do you want to know? Ask our AI widget and get answers from this website Create Account Contact...

Isaiah 8:12 – Do not be in fear

Isaiah 8:12 – Do not be in fear   In the New Testament, Peter said there would be persecution but not to be afraid. “Do not fear their threats and do not be troubled” (1Pet 3:14). Having said that, he turns around in the next verse (1Pet 3:15). and...

Isaiah 64: 4-9, Filthy Rags

Isaiah 64: 4-9, Filthy Rags   The statement, “All our righteousness is like filthy rags”, is found in the middle of a Biblical poem in Isaiah (Isaiah 64:4-9). The kingdom is upheld with righteousness A theme in the Hebrew Bible in the Book of Isaiah...