Zohar 1:50a


The secret of the matter- The supernal mother is found with the male only when the home is in order, and the male and female are united. Then the supernal mother showers blessings upon them. In a similar way, the lower mother is found with the male only when the home is in order, and the male comes to the female and they are joined as one. Then the lower mother showers blessings upon them. Thus the male in his home is crowned by two females in the manner of the world above. This is the secret of the verse, “To the utmost desire of the eternal hills” (Gen. 49-26). This [word] ‘ad is the desire of the eternal hills, the supernal female to adorn him, to crown him, and to bless him, and the lower female to unite with him and to receive sustenance from him. In a similar way below, when a man is married the “desire of the eternal hills” is with him, and he is crowned by two females, one above and one below, the upper to shower blessings upon him and the lower to receive sustenance from him and to unite with him.

Translated by Elliot Wolfson in “Eunuchs who Keep the Sabbath- Becoming Male and the Ascetic Ideal in Thirteenth Century Jewish Mysticism,” in Becoming Male in the Middle Ages, 151-185. Edited by J. J. Cohen and B. Wheeler. New York- Garland, 1997.

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