Rep. Henry Waxman (D. Calif.) has asked the Soviet government to permit his cousin, David Vaksman, a Soviet Jewish refusenik who lives in Kishinev, to emigrate to Israel. Waxman was joined last week by 72 other members of the House in a plea to Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev and Anatoly Dobrynin, the Soviet Ambassador to the United States.
Waxman, whose grandparents emigrated from Kishinev in 1905, learned the fate of his cousin last summer in a report published by the Union of Councils for Soviet Jewry. Last May 30, Vaksman participated in a demonstration in Kishinev to protest the treatment of Jewish refuseniks. The Union of Councils learned that Vaksman has been barred by the Soviet authorities from emigrating to Israel since September 1, 1973, because of his previous service in the Soviet army.