Count Folke BernadotteNeither Jewish nor Arab leaders suspected that refugees would become a determining factor in the Palestine war.

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JERUSALEM, Aug. 3 (AP)-Count Folke Bernadotte today said the United Nations may have to send a 2500-man international police force to demilitarize Jerusalem.

The U. N. mediator for Palestine conferred with Dr. Bernard Joseph, newly appointed Israeli military governor for the Jewish part of the city. He talked also with Arab representatives.

The meeting between Joseph and the United Nations Palestine mediator took place in a Jewish Agency conference room. U. N. representatives and members of the local consular truce commission attended.

While the conference took place, intermittent sniper shots were heard from the old city where black smoke could be seen rising from a burning oil store.

One Jew was reported killed by a sniper about a half hour before Bernadotte and his staff crossed into Jewish lines.