-Includes Map of Arab Territories and Palestine

Documents Relating to the McMahon Letters, pp. 5-14

-The Balfour Declaration – 1917, p. 5

-British Government’s Message to King Hussein, pp. 5-6

-King Hussein on Arab-Jewish Cooperation – 1918, p. 6

– Dr. Weizmann’s Visit to Emir Feisal – 1918, p. 7

-The British Government’s “Declaration to the Seven Arabs” – 1918, p. 7

-Emir Feisal’s Interview with Reuter – 1918, p. 7

-Emir Feisal’s Memorandum to Peace Conference – 1919, p. 8

-Agreement Between Emir Feisal and Dr. Weizmann – 1919, pp. 8-10

-Emir Feisal’s Statement before the Council of Five – 1919, pp. 10-11

-Statement of Syrian Delegation to the Peace Conference – 1919, pp. 11-12

-Feisal-Frankfurter Correspondence – 1919, pp. 12-14

British Government Pronouncements Regarding McMahon Letters, pp. 14-17

-Winston Churchill, pp. 14-15

“An undertaking was given to the Sharif of Mecca that His Majesty’s Government would recognize and support the independence of the Arabs within certain territorial limits…His Majesty’s government have always regarded, and continue to regard Palestine as excluded by these provisos from the scope of their undertaking.

“On that occasion [Jan. 20th 1921], the point of view of His Majesty’s Government was explained to the Emir [Feisal], who expressed himself as prepared to accept the statement that it had been the intention of His Majesty’s Government to exclude Palestine from the area of Arab independence…” (Secretary of State Churchill, House of Commons, July 11, 1922)

Statements by British Negotiators Regarding McMahon Letters, pp. 17-20

-Sir Henry McMahon, p. 17

“I feel it is my duty to state, and I do so definitely and emphatically, that it was not intended by me in giving this pledge to King Hussein to include Palestine in the area in which Arab independence was promised. I also had every reason to believe at the time that the fact that Palestine was not included in my pledge was well understood by King Hussein.” (Letter to The Times July 23, 1937)

-Sir Gilbert Clayton, pp. 17-18

-Colonel C.E. Vickery, pp. 18-19

“I can say most definitely that the whole of the King’s demands were centered round Syria and only round Syria…He stated most emphatically that he did not concern himself at all with Palestine and had no desire to have suzerainty over it for himself or his successors.” (Letter to The Times Feb. 21, 1939)

-T.E. Lawrence, pp. 19-20

See also-

Cover of Documents Relating to the McMahon Letters, Jewish Agency, Mar. 1939.