Otzar ha-Geonim, ed. B. M. Lewin, vol. 11: Sotah (Jerusalem, 1942), p. 235


Know that the Presence (Shekhinah) is [found] with the students [of Torah], and a light dwells amongst them; that light is called Presence (Shekhinah)… and Wisdom itself is one of the Presences (Shekhinot), and thus it is written, “The Lord created me at the beginning of His course etc.” (Prov. 8-22), “I was with Him as a confidant” (ibid., 30). Regarding each verse it says the [name of the] Lord, which is one of the Presences (Shekhinot), and she is called a sister to the sages, and consequently she is a sister of Moses standing from a distance.

Translated by Elliot Wolfson in Through a Speculum that Shines- Vision and Imagination in Medieval Jewish Mysticism, Princeton- Princeton University Press, 1994.

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