October 2, 1938 Massacre at Tiberias


October 2, 1938 Arab Murder, Mayhem, and Massacre “ARABS BROKE INTO TIBERIAS TOWN ONE NIGHT AND MASSACRED A NUMBER OF JEWISH WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN CIRCUMSTANCE OF GREAT BRUTALITY… IT TOOK US TWO HOURS TO GET TO TIBERIAS, INSTEAD OF THE NORMAL TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES, AND WE FOUND MATTERS THERE IN A MESS. The district office, a synagogue, and several Jewish dwelling-houses were in flames, the streets were littered with dead but the attackers had withdrawn. ” Source: A Crackle of Thorns: Experiences in the Middle East by Alec Seath Kirkbride Published in Great Britain by John Murray Ltd in 1956, p. 105

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