According to the latest figures released by the Ministry of Social Betterment, there is no danger of an increase in the unemployment rate in the foreseeable future.
The number of job seekers last December reached 34,328, with 20,032 job offers. About 33,500 persons were looking for work last month, with 18,800 openings. Some 14,296 were registered in December as unemployed for a period of six days or more. A similar number of unemployed in the same status is expected to be recorded for January. At certain times last year, the unemployment rate was more than 15,000.
According to the Employment Service, the employment agencies are still unable to fill job openings for lack of suitable workers.
More Arabs from Territories Working in Israel
Last December, some 5,523 job offers remained unfilled. Last month the number of unfilled job offers was 3,876. Some of these offers were referred to the employment agencies in the administered territories. Arab workers from the territories were in greatest demand during December for seasonal work such as citrus picking.
This caused an increase in the number of Arabs from the territories working in Israel. There are presently some 50,000 Arab workers from the territories employed in Israel through the employment service. Another 25,000-30,000 are believed to be employed in Israel outside of the official channels.
Despite the general positive employment scene, in some areas, especially in development towns as Upper Nazareth and Carmiel, unemployment is growing at a faster rate. Some 12 percent of the population living in such towns account for one-third of the unemployment in the country.