“I have a great deal of faith in Harry Truman. His heart is absolutely devoid of hatred and rancor. I am sure that he is not motivated by politics in his consideration of the (Palestine) problem.” – Rabbi Samuel Thurman

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WASHINGTON, May 7 (AP)-Thirty-six Republican Congressmen jointly urged today that the United States permit shipment of arms to Palestine Jews.

They would have the Government discontinue its present embargo on arms until a just truce is arranged or until non-Palestinian forces are withdrawn.

The petition of the 36 Congressmen was addressed to President Truman and his Cabinet.

It asked also-

That the United States take part in measures to protect, Jerusalem and vicinity and to place that area under international control.

That the U. S. support United Nations actions to force compliance with the U. N. resolution to divide Palestine between Arabs and Jews.

At the White House, a St. Louis rabbi expressed belief after a talk with Mr. Truman that the President still believes in the objective of Palestine partition.

The rabbi, Samuel Thurman, and Mr. Truman are old-time brother Masons in Missouri. He told reporters-

“I have a great deal of faith in Harry Truman. His heart is absolutely devoid of hatred and rancor. I am sure that he is not motivated by politics in his consideration of the (Palestine) problem.”

Signers of the Congressmen’s letter included Representatives Tollefson (Washington) and Poulson (California).