Israel Air ForceTEL AVIV, June 9 (AP)-A score or more of former American captains and majors are known to be in active command positions in the army of Israel.

One American, who may have been a brigadier general in the U. S. armed forces, is reported in command of all or part of the present Palestine southern front opposing an Egyptian force of 5000. This officer now is a general, but he may have been given the rank here and have held a lesser title in the U. S. Army.

A former officer of the U. S. Eighth Air Force is commanding field forces on another are of the front.

The greatest number of former U. S. officers are flyers serving with the Israeli air force. They have taken part in recently reported air combats over Tel Aviv and adjacent areas.

Censorship has prevented use of their names and identification with any specific actions.

Associated Press correspondents have met several former U. S. officers in the field serving with the infantry and a headquarters command post.

It is not known whether all these Americans are Jews. At least a good part of them have not been here long enough yet to speak Hebrew.