Arabic Gospel, 14th century

Arabic Gospel The Four Gospels in Arabic, Palestine, 1337. Gospel of Luke This remarkable manuscript is very different to what the casual glance might suggest- despite the Islamic style carpet page, and the Arabic script, this is a Christian document – an...

Pentateuch with Rashi Commentary, 14th century

 Pentateuch with Rashi Commentary Germany, first half of the fourteenth century Numbers 1 Rashi (an acronym of Rabbi Solomon ben Itshaki, 1040-1105, of Troyes, France) is considered the greatest medieval commentator on the Hebrew Bible. His unique commentary is still...

Drawing of Mount Zion, 1455

Drawing of Mount Zion In this splendid manuscript, a copy of an original by Burchard of Mount Zion, drawn in 1455 for Philip of Burgundy, the Holy City is dominated by the domes of the Mosque of Omar, centre, the Mosque of el-Aqsa, right, and the Holy Sepulchre, left....

Ivory Horn, 14th century

Ivory Horn Ivory horn decorated with gold bands from the 14th century palace at Megiddo. The horn of oil that Samuel used to anoint David as king of Israel might have been similar. Hoerth, Alfred J., Archaeology and the Old Testament. Grand Rapids- Baker Books,...

Tax Role, 1476

Tax Role In 1476 Ferdinand and Isabella granted privilege to Gonzalo del Rio to take charge of the tax roll of Jews in Sergovia. Sotheby’s