HAIFA, Israel, May 25 (AP)-British authorities closed the port of Haifa today to incoming passenger traffic.
No official reason for the action was announced, but a British military source said “it might be because we do not want the Arabs to say that Britain permitted Jews to use the port to bring in reinforcements for their army.”
A spokesman for Israel said that representations would be made to the British and added “we are hopeful their attitude will relax.”
The Jews control the city of Haifa but the port is being used as the evacuation point for British troops leaving the Holy Land.
“The British say incoming passenger traffic interferes with their evacuation operation,” said the Israeli spokesman.
About 1,150 Jews have entered Palestine through Haifa since Britain gave up the Palestine mandate on May 15. All had British visas and were entered under quotas granted to the Jewish Agency before the mandate ended.
TEL AVIV, Israel, May 25 (AP)-A Haifa dispatch today said that British forces were pouring through the port, headed for home, and it was reported their evacuation night be completed by the and of June. All but 400 members of the Palestine police have embarked. the dispatch said, and those 400 are volunteers who will stay until completion of the evacuation.