BevinClick here to view the original article.

LONDON. June 2 (U.P.)-Foreign Secretary Bevin today flatly rejected left wing labor demands that Britain end its $9,000,000 a year military subsidy to Trans-Jordan.

Bevin in a peppery exchange in Commons also denied that King Abdullah’s. . Trans-Jordan forces invaded Palestine. What happened, he held, was that Palestine Arabs invited them into territory earmarked for Arabs under the United Nations partition plan.

In the course of his remarks Bevin disclosed that Brigadier John Bagot Glubb, called Glubb Pasha, had resigned his post in the British colonial service so he could retain his command of the Arab Legion.

Though he refused to stop the Trans-Jordan subsidy and defended King Abdullah’s activities in Palestine, Bevin said he hoped conditions would not prevent a truce.

It would be premature, he said, to give an opinion on the eventual settlement of the Palestine crisis.

“It is the task of the U. N. mediator to talk to both sides,” he said. “We shall give him our utmost assistance in this task.”

Swedish Prince Folke Bernadotte, the mediator, arrived in Cairo today after talking to Jewish and Arab leaders in Tel Aviv, Israel, and Amman, Trans-Jordan.