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Cairo, May 15.(UP)-The Egyptian army has penetrated twenty miles into Palestine and captured the important city of Gaza, the Egyptian government announced tonight.The Egyptian army has penetrated twenty miles into Palestine and captured the important city of Gaza, the Egyptian government announced tonight.
Armies of three other Arab countries were invading the Holy Land from the north and east.
One Egyptian column was striking north across the Sinai desert and “wiped out” the Jewish settlement of Al Danjor. Another was said to have pushed on to take Gaza, a key city, a coastal town twenty miles inside Palestine.
Claim of Victories.
Premier Mahmoud Fahmy Nokrashy Pasha declared tonight that advance units had entered Gaza twelve hours after crossing the frontier.
In Beirut, Lebanon, President Bechara El Khoury sent troops across the north border of Palestine with an order of the day declaring that “no other choice is left to us but Holy war . . . go forward, relying upon God and yourselves, until right, justice and peace are restored.”
An Arab league spokesman, Assad Dagher, told a press conference that U. S. recognition of Israel “would not affect the advance of the Arab forces into Palestine. The Palestine question will be settled in Palestine itself-the Arab armies will settle it.”
Syria Guards Jews.
The Syrian government promised to protect the lives and property of the Jews of Aleppo, but refused to permit them to leave the country. Lebanese Jewish quarters were heavily guarded to prevent “irresponsible” attack.
An Egyptian communique said a second column met resistance at the “well fortified” settlement of Al Danjor and that it had been “wiped out” because it refused to surrender. Al Danjor is fifteen miles southeast of Gaza.
The legion’s flag was reported flying over Jericho, which Trans-Jordan troops, sent into Palestine for police duty, have held for several months.
The Trans-Jordan and Iraqi forces streamed across the Palestine border at Allenby bridge, heavily guarded against Jewish demolition attempts, in columns of armored cars, artillery, and trucks loaded with infantrymen.
The Trans-Jordan minister of Beirut said after a telephone call to Amman that the legion had captured “several localities in Palestine.”
Jericho Is Occupied.
The forces were reported to have penetrated as far as Jericho, five miles west of the border and fifteen miles east of Jerusalem. Jericho was reported occupied.
Arab quarters in Beirut said that the northern invaders were still locked in fierce battle with entrenched Jewish troops, without so far having been able to dislodge them.
Jewish paratroops reportedly dropped at Malakia were said to have recaptured the village from Arabs who had taken it over early in the day.
Tel Aviv, temporary capital of Israel, underwent its fourth air attack late today and Haganah ordered the entire city blacked out. Planes were over the city most of the day and it was difficult to differentiate one attack from the other.
Report Little Damage.
All attacks were on the outskirts and did not interfere much with the Jews, who were celebrating the Sabbath.
Acre was reported to have surrendered to Haganah fighters, who drove north along the coast and occupied Ras En Naqura, right at the Lebanese frontier.
In Jerusalem, Haganah said its men were taking over British installations as fast as the British departed. The British said their evacuation of Jerusalem was complete.
Wallace Urges U. S. Pressure to End Aggression.
Los ANGELES, May 15.(AP)-The United States should bring immediate pressure to bear to halt aggression against the new nation of Israel, Henry A. Wallace declared today.
The third party presidential candidate said the State department should-
1. Tell Britain “no more loans” if Arab legions start moving into Palestine.
2. Advice American oil companies to cease payments to princes of Arab oil nations until troops stop moving.
Wallace told a press conference that it is his understanding that the British have equipped, financed and “may continue to lead” the Arab legions of King Abdullah.
While urging that this country should not act unilaterally, Wallace said “the United States can do the job through the United Nations if she will co-operate with other nations who want to see partition carried out.”