Returning and Redemption

  1. Letter from End of Napoleon’s Campaign in Palestine, Jaffa, May, 1799.
  2. Imperial Decree Concerning the Jews Who Don’t have a Surname and a Fixed First Name, July 20, 1808.
  3. Viscount Palmerston to Viscount Ponsonby, Aug. 11, 1840.
  4. Scheme for the Improvement of the Civil and Moral Conditions of the Jews in the East, Memorandum from Abraham Benisch to Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Viscount Canning, 1842.
  5. Memorandum from the Earl of Aberdeen (George Hamilton-Gordon) to W.T. Young, May 3, 1842.
  6. Memorandum from the Earl of Malmesbury (James Harris) to James Finn, Nov. 8, 1852.
  7. Charge of the Light Brigade, Speech by the Earl of Cardigan, Mansion House, London, Oct. 25, 1854.
  8. The Outbreak of the Crimean War- A Contemporary Marxist View, Karl Marx, 1854.
  9. Memorandum from Earl Russell (John Russell) to James Finn, Dec. 12, 1861.
  10. Excerpt from The Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain, 1867.
  11. Pogroms, 1871-1906
  12. Russian May Laws, 1882.
  13. The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus, 1883.
  14. Correspondence between Noel Temple Moore and Sir W.A. White, Mar. 5 and Oct. 19, 1887.
  15. Memorandum from Marquess of Salisbury to Sir W.A. White, May 16, 1887.
  16. The Franco-Russian Alliance Military Convention, August 18, 1892.
  17. Quotes about the Great Game, 1892-1902.
  18. Antisemitism- Its History and Causes, Bernard Lazare, 1894.
  19. The First Zionist Congress- The Basle Declaration, August 1897.
  20. Concerning The Jews, Mark Twain, Harper’s Magazine, March, 1898.
  21. The Diary of Theodor Herzl, Oct. 18-29, 1898.