Returning and Redemption
- Letter from End of Napoleon’s Campaign in Palestine, Jaffa, May, 1799.
- Imperial Decree Concerning the Jews Who Don’t have a Surname and a Fixed First Name, July 20, 1808.
- Viscount Palmerston to Viscount Ponsonby, Aug. 11, 1840.
- Scheme for the Improvement of the Civil and Moral Conditions of the Jews in the East, Memorandum from Abraham Benisch to Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Viscount Canning, 1842.
- Memorandum from the Earl of Aberdeen (George Hamilton-Gordon) to W.T. Young, May 3, 1842.
- Memorandum from the Earl of Malmesbury (James Harris) to James Finn, Nov. 8, 1852.
- Charge of the Light Brigade, Speech by the Earl of Cardigan, Mansion House, London, Oct. 25, 1854.
- The Outbreak of the Crimean War- A Contemporary Marxist View, Karl Marx, 1854.
- Memorandum from Earl Russell (John Russell) to James Finn, Dec. 12, 1861.
- Excerpt from The Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain, 1867.
- Pogroms, 1871-1906
- Russian May Laws, 1882.
- The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus, 1883.
- Correspondence between Noel Temple Moore and Sir W.A. White, Mar. 5 and Oct. 19, 1887.
- Memorandum from Marquess of Salisbury to Sir W.A. White, May 16, 1887.
- The Franco-Russian Alliance Military Convention, August 18, 1892.
- Quotes about the Great Game, 1892-1902.
- Antisemitism- Its History and Causes, Bernard Lazare, 1894.
- The First Zionist Congress- The Basle Declaration, August 1897.
- Concerning The Jews, Mark Twain, Harper’s Magazine, March, 1898.
- The Diary of Theodor Herzl, Oct. 18-29, 1898.