10 B.C.E. – 50 C.E. Cornelius Celsus


De MedicinaJewish Doctors

Cornelius Celsus compiled an encyclopaedic work, of which only the medical part has remained. It is noteworthy that among the authorities quoted by this Latin author, who apparently lived in the time of Tiberius, we find a Jewish medical writer, Iudaeus; cf. the commentary. First Celsus states that among the plasters useful for broken heads, there is one that is ascribed to Iudaeus (Judah No. 150).

De Medicina, V, 19:11

But among those suitable for broken heads, some include the one which is ascribed to Iudaeus. It is composed of salt 16 grms, red copper scales and calcined copper, 48 grms each, ammoniacum for fumigation, frankincense soot and dried resin, 64 grms each, Colophon resin, wax, and prepared calf’s suet, 80 grms each, vinegar 65 c. cm, less than 40 c. cm of oil.

Source: Menahem, Stern. Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism. Volume I (p. 368-369) (Stern #150)

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