
A Jewish uprising took place in 115-117 CE mainly among the Jewish diaspora in the Roman provinces during the reign of the Emperor Trajan. The revolt began in Cyrene, as a result of a certain Lukuas ordering the Jews to destroy pagan temples and attack the worshipers. The worshipers escaped to Alexandria, where they captured and killed many Jews. The Jews took revenge by destroying more Roman temples as well as the tomb of Pompey, the Roman general who had captured Jerusalem during the First Jewish Revolt of 66-70 CE.

This revolt is also called the “War of Quietus” after the Roman General Quietus who was commander of the Moorish cavalry in the Roman army that subdued the Jewish revolt in Mesopotamia. As reward for his success, Trajan appointed Quietus as ruler of Judaea in 117 CE.

This inscription, from a bathhouse in the city of Cyrene, commemorates how the city was rebuilt after the tumulto Iudaico, the disorders caused by the Jews.

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