Newspapers May 1948


  1. Time Grows Short in Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 1, 1948.
  2. Ultimatum by British in Jaffa Fight, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 1, 1948.
  3. Arabs Oppose U.S. Plan of Trusteeship for Jerusalem, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 1, 1948.
  4. Palestine, Key to the Middle East, Where Full-Scale War is Threatening, NY Times, May 2, 1948.
  5. Discouraged Arab Refugees, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 3, 1948.
  6. Truce Fails in Palestine, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 6, 1948.
  7. U.N. Answer on Holy Land, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 6, 1948.
  8. Iraqi Pledge a ‘Fight to Death’ For Abdullah, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 6, 1948.
  9. Egyptian Exit Guarded, Associated Press, NY Times, May 7, 1948.
  10. Britain Urges a ‘Neutral Authority for Palestine, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 8, 1948.
  11. GOP Group Urges Arms to Aid Jews, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 8, 1948.
  12. Peace in Holy City, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 9, 1948.
  13. Safe Conduct for Nuns (photograph), Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 9, 1948.
  14. U.N. Interim Rule Likely in Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 9, 1948.
  15. Egypt Volunteers Reported Across Palestine Frontier, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 9, 1948.
  16. Syria Moves against (1) Zionism and (2) Abdullah, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 9, 1948.
  17. Jaffa—‘Ghost City,’ Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 9, 1948.
  18. Ibn Saud Said to Promise Aid, Associated Press, NY Times, May 10, 1948.
  19. Jews Score a Preliminary Victory, Life Magazine, May 10, 1948.
  20. Ex-British Chief in Palestine Gets Bomb in Mail, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 12, 1948.
  21. Is Palestine War a Myth? Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 12, 1948.
  22. The Nation Proclaims the State of Israel, Yom Hemedinah, May 14, 1948.
  23. The State of Israel is Born, The Palestine Post, May 14, 1948.
  24. Israel as New Nation, Associated Press, Kansas City Star, May 14, 1948.
  25. The Palestine Mandate, The Times, May 14, 1948.
  26. Mediator in Palestine, The Times, May 14, 1948.
  27. British Policy in Palestine; Iraq in Ferment, The Times, May 14, 1948. A Zionist State in Palestine is regarded as nothing other than a Russian bridgehead, a fatal gap in the Arab world, in Western defences against Russian domination of the Middle East.
  28. Zionists Proclaim New State of Israel, New York Times, May 15, 1948.
  29. British Task in Palestine Ended, The Times, May 15, 1948.
  30. Bab el Wad Battle Rages, Associated Press, NY Times, May 15, 1948.
  31. For Recognition by All in U.N., Associated Press, NY Times, May 15, 1948.
  32. 30,000 Trained Arabs Massed, United Press, NY Times, May 15, 1948.
  33. Arabs Push On, United Press, Kansas City Star, May 16, 1948.
  34. Dodging Fire As Bullets Rattle in the Holy Land, Kansas City Star, May 16, 1948.
  35. Jews in Grave Danger in All Arab Lands, NY Times, May 16, 1948.
  36. Egyptians Drive Towards Tel-Aviv, New Haven Evening Register, May 17, 1948.
  37. Egyptians Troops Reported Halfway to Tel Aviv, Associated Press, Topeka State Journal, May 17, 1948.
  38. Jews Gain Control, Arabs Shell City, United Press, Topeka State Journal, May 18, 1848.
  39. An Israel Army Push into Lebanon, Associated Press, Topeka State Journal, May 18, 1848.
  40. Weizmann Accepts Israel Presidency, Associated Press, Topeka State Journal, May 18, 1848.
  41. Palestine a Highway or Battlefield for Centuries, Associated Press, Topeka State Journal, May 18, 1848.
  42. Taft Urges U.N. Guard for Israel, Associated Press, Topeka State Journal, May 18, 1948.
  43. Arab Legion at Jerusalem, Topeka State Journal, May 18, 1848.
  44. British Wash Hands of King Abdullah Army, Associated Press, Topeka State Journal, May 18, 1848.
  45. Arab Legionnaires Make Easy Advance, Associated Press, Topeka State Journal, May 18, 1848.
  46. Russ Recognize New Hebrew State, Associated Press, Topeka State Journal, May 18, 1848.
  47. Jewish Forces in Tight Spot in Jerusalem Battle, Associated Press, Topeka State Journal, May 18, 1848.
  48. Egypt Planes Claims Damage to Tel Aviv, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 18, 1948.
  49. Russ Recognize Israel, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 18, 1948.
  50. Jewish Welfare Drive Reaches 30% of Quota, San Francisco Chronicle, May 18, 1948.
  51. Proclamation of Israel (photograph), San Francisco Chronicle, May 18, 1948.
  52. Abdullah’s Legion Captures Walled City of Jerusalem, Time Magazine.
  53. King Abdullah- His Legion’s Victory at Jerusalem Makes Amman Center of Arab World – Part I, Life Magazine.
  54. King Abdullah- His Legion’s Victory at Jerusalem Makes Amman Center of Arab World – Part II, Life Magazine.
  55. Arab Legion Cuts Deep into Old and New Areas of Encircled Jerusalem, NY Herald Tribune, May 20, 1948.
  56. U.S. Palestine Plan Bogs Down, Britain Doubts Israel’s Legality, NY Herald Tribune, May 20, 1948.
  57. Britain Aloof to Recognition Plea by Israel, NY Herald Tribune, May 20, 1948.
  58. Marshall Says Embargo’s End Hinges on U.N., NY Herald Tribune, May 20, 1948.
  59. Maj. Windham Dies in Battle in Jerusalem, NY Herald Tribune, May 20, 1948.
  60. The U.N. Yesterday, NY Herald Tribune, May 20, 1948.
  61. Mrs. Myerson Predicts End of Palestine War; Egyptian Air Attacks on Tel Aviv (photographs), NY Herald Tribune, May 20, 1948.
  62. The Arab-Jewish Battle for the Holy Land, NY Herald Tribune, May 20, 1948.
  63. Arabs Drive into New City, Associated Press, NY Herald Tribune, May 20, 1948.
  64. Egypt and Syria Report Gains, United Press, NY Herald Tribune, May 20, 1948.
  65. Arabs Report Actions in Galilee Area, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 20, 1948.
  66. Battle of Jerusalem, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 20, 1948.
  67. Britain Will Continue to Supply Arabs, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 20, 1948.
  68. The Palestine Struggle- Arabs Declare Jews Retreating at Jerusalem; Lebanon Seizes American Citizens Aboard Ship, San Francisco Chronicle, May 21, 1948.
  69. Behind the Fighting, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 21, 1948.
  70. British Foreign Policy, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 21, 1948.
  71. Count Folke Bernadotte- U.N. Representative in Palestine, San Francisco Chronicle, May 22, 1948.
  72. Jews Claim Boundaries Still Intact, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 22, 1948.
  73. Protest to Lebanon, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 22, 1948.
  74. Mob Protest At Embassy In Pakistan, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 22, 1948.
  75. U.S. Consul Dies of Palestine Wounds, Associated Press, The Atlanta Journal, May 23, 1948.
  76. Smash in Israel, Associated Press, May 23, 1948.
  77. Arabs to Meet Today, Associated Press, NY Herald Tribune, Mar. 25, 1948.
  78. Israel Had Issued Ceasefire Order, NY Herald Tribune, May 25, 1948.
  79. Those Who Will Fight for Israel and Those Who Evaded Duty (photographs), NY Herald Tribune, May 25, 1948.
  80. Egyptians Seize Coastal Forts; Arabs Shell Jerusalem Old City, Associated Press, NY Herald Tribune, May 25, 1948.
  81. Britain Urges Arabs to Accept U.N. Truce Plan, NY Herald Tribune, May 25, 1948.
  82. Labor Company of D.P.s Would Go to Palestine, NY Herald Tribune, May 25, 1948.
  83. South Africa Accords Recognition to Israel, NY Herald Tribune, May 25, 1948.
  84. The U.N. Yesterday, NY Herald Tribune, May 25, 1948.
  85. Bombing of Jerusalem by Arab Pilots Charged, NY Herald Tribune, May 26, 1948.
  86. Britain Closes Haifa to Incoming Traffic, Associated Press, NY Times, May 26, 1948.
  87. 4 Killed in Lebanon Riot, United Press, NY Times, May 26, 1948.
  88. Arabs Conferring on Cease-fire Move, United Press, NY Times, May 26, 1948.
  89. Russia and Israel Agree on Diplomatic Exchange, Associated Press, NY Times, May 26, 1948.
  90. Haganah Strikes in Syria, United Press, NY Times, May 26, 1948.
  91. Arabs Reject U.N.’s Truce Plea, Demand Capitulation of Israel, NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  92. Arabs Urge Action by Security Council, NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  93. The Arab League Replies to the U.N. Cease-fire Order (photograph), NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  94. Arab Prisoners Taken in the Battle of Acre (photographs), NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  95. Extensive Damage in Jerusalem Caused by Arab Legion Shelling, NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  96. Jerusalem Holy Places Reported Damaged by Arabs (map), NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  97. Wasson, on Deathbed, Said Arabs Shot Him; Soviet Press Reports on Israel, United Press and Associated Press, NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  98. Stassen Favors a ‘Stabilizing’ Palestine Force, Associated Press, NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  99. Britain Seeks Western Bloc’s Unity on Israel, NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  100. The Arab Rejection, NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  101. Weizmann Off to Israel; Won’t Stop in Britain, NY Herald Tribune, May 27, 1948.
  102. Biggest Battle of War on Highway to Tel Aviv; New Peace Pleas in U.N., Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 28, 1948.
  103. ‘Operation Broom’ Sweeps Arab Legions from Galilee, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 28, 1948.
  104. King Abdullah Pays Visit to Jerusalem, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 28, 1948.
  105. Arabs Sack the Holy City, Time Magazine.
  106. Churchill Blames Labor Govt. for Palestine War, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 29, 1948.
  107. Israel’s Reply, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 29, 1948.
  108. Smash by Jews, Associated Press, Kansas City Star, May 30, 1948.
  109. Pasha Says U.N. Protects Aggressors, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 31, 1948.
  110. South African Paper Predicts Ban on Jews, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 31, 1948.
  111. The Palestine War- Jews Say Arabs Plan Gas Attack on Jerusalem to Beat U. N. Truce Deadline, United Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 31, 1948.
  112. Israelis Take Two Towns in Fierce Battle, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, May 31, 1948.

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