By April 7, 2008 Read More →

Austria and Bohemian Lands


  1. Overview
    1. Overview- Austria and Bohemian Lands
  2. Secondary sources
    1. Breuer, Mordechai. “Modernism and Traditionalism in 16th-c. Jewish Historiography- A Study of David Gans’ Tzemach David,” in Bernard Cooperman, ed., Jewish Thought in the Sixteenth Century, 49-88.
    2. Greenblatt, Rachel L. “The Shapes of Memory- Evidence in Stone from the Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague.” Leo Baeck Institute. Year Book 47 (2002)- 43-67. Abstract- Prague’s Jews from about 1575 to 1650 visited and were buried in that city’s Jewish cemetery. The changing design and decoration of gravestones during those years reveal how the community remembered and acknowledged the dead.
    3. Kieval, Hillel J. “Pursuing the Golem of Prague- Jewish Culture and the Invention of a Tradition.” Modern Judaism 17, no. 1 (1997)- 1-23.
  3. Images
    1. Synagogue of Prague, PST 738.

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