Judea Capta CoinHighlights-
  1. Overview
    1. Biblical History- The Roman Period, Steven Feldman, COJS, 2007.
    2. Herod the Great 37-4, Teddy Kollek and Moshe Pearlman, Jerusalem- Sacred City of Mankind, Steimatzky Ltd., Jerusalem, 1991.
    3. Jerusalem and Jesus, Teddy Kollek and Moshe Pearlman, Jerusalem- Sacred City of Mankind, Steimatzky Ltd., Jerusalem, 1991.
    4. The Great Revolt AD 66-70, Teddy Kollek and Moshe Pearlman, Jerusalem- Sacred City of Mankind, Steimatzky Ltd., Jerusalem, 1991.
    5. Overview- Judea Under Roman Rule (63 BCE-66 CE)
  2. Artifacts
    1. Hillel and Jesus, 1st century BCE – 1st century CE
    2. Dead Sea Scroll in Stone, 1st century BCE – 1st century CE
    3. Temple of Jupiter, 1st century BCE – 1st century CE
    4. Coin of Orodes II, 57-38 BCE
    5. Roman Denarius, 54 BCE
    6. Coin of Pompey the Great, 53-48 BCE
    7. Portrait of Pompey the Great, 53-48 BCE
    8. Coin of Cleopatra, 51-30 BCE
    9. Greek Minor Prophets Scroll, c. 50 BCE-50 CE
    10. Coin of Julius Caesar, 48-44 BCE
    11. Bust of Julius Caesar, 48-44 BCE
    12. Julius Caesar Denarius, 46 BCE
    13. Coin of Brutus, 44-42 BCE
    14. Ides of March Coin, 44 BCE
    15. Bust of Mark Antony, 43-30 BCE
    16. Herodium, 40 BCE
    17. David’s Citadel / Tower of David, 37 BCE
    18. Coin of Herod the Great, 35/34 BCE
    19. Shrine to Augustus, 31 BCE
    20. Coin of Mark Antony, 31 BCE
    21. Relief of Cleopatra and Caesarion, c. 30 BCE
    22. Herodian Coins, 30 BCE
    23. Tyrian Shekel, 28/27 BCE
    24. Coin of Augustus, 27 BCE-14 CE
    25. Herod’s Quarry, c. 19 BCE
    26. Herod Potsherd, c. 19 BCE
    27. Fragment of Herod’s Wine Jar, 19 BCE
    28. Tomb of King Herod the Great, 4 BCE
    29. Ossuary of Simon the Temple Builder, 1st century BCE – 1st century CE
    30. Ossuary of Nicanor, 1st century BCE – 1st century CE
    31. “Yehosah” Ossuary, 1st century BCE – 1st century CE
    32. Qumran Phylactery, 1st century CE
    33. Shema Yisrael, 1st century CE
    34. Aramaic Apocalypse, 1st century BCE
    35. Queen Helene of Adiabene’s Mansion, 1st century CE
    36. Theodotus Inscription, 1st century CE
    37. Balsam Oil, 1st century CE
    38. Incense Shovel, 1st century CE
    39. Gift to the Community Ostracon, 1st century CE
    40. Portrait of a Priestess, late 1st century CE
    41. Warning Inscriptions of the Temple, 1st century CE
    42. Paul’s Jail, 1st century CE
    43.  Galilee Boat, 1st century CE
    44. Ossuary of Yehohanan son of Hagkol, 1st century CE
    45. Ossuary of Jesus son of Joseph, 1st century CE
    46. Nazirite Tomb, 1st century CE
    47. Mark the Evangelist, 1st century CE
    48. War Rule Fragment, 1st century CE
    49. Herodian Oil Lamp
    50. Southern Wall of the Temple Mount
    51. Ein Yael Mosaic
    52. Roman Period Sandal
    53. Rope of Palm Fibers
    54. Braid of Human Hair
    55. Comb and Plait of Hair
    56. Ancient Date Seeds
    57. Zeus Coin
    58. The Apocrypha
    59. Korban Vessel
    60. Leather Sandals from Qumran
    61. Wooden Combs from Qumran
    62. Pottery from Qumran
    63. Linen Cloth from Qumran
    64. Remnants of a Mezzuzah Parchment
    65. The Birth of Jesus, c. 1 CE
    66. The Place of the Trumpeting, 4 CE
    67. Agrippa I Coins, 4 CE
    68. First Jewish Self-Portrait, 5 CE
    69. Ossuary of the High Priest Caiaphas, 18-36 CE
    70. Crucifixion Bone Fragment, 21 CE
    71. Calendar, c. 25 CE
    72. Pontius Pilate’s Tiberium Inscription, 26-36 CE
    73. Pagan Coin, 26-36 CE
    74. Bust of Cleopatra VII, 30 CE
    75. Mummy Portrait of Hermione Grammatike, 40-50 CE
    76. Caiaphas Burial Coin, 42 CE
    77. King Uzziah Burial Inscription, c. 50 CE
    78. Tomb of Queen Helene of Adiabene, c. 50 CE
    79. Melqart Coin, 50 CE
    80. Gold Coin of Nero, 51-54 CE
    81. Antonius Felix Coins, 54-58 CE
    82. Neronian Tetradrachm, 60 CE
    83. Coin of Nero, 63 CE
    84. Cessation of Sacrifice, 66 CE
    85. Bronze Prutah, 66-70 CE
    86.  Silver Shekel from the First Jewish Revolt, 66-70 CE
    87. Bones, 67 CE
    88. Coins from Year 2 of the Revolt, 67 CE
    89. Siege of Gamla, 67 CE
    90. Coins from Masada, 67-68 CE
    91. Sepphoris “City of Peace” Coin, 68 CE
    92. Edict of Tiberius Julius Alexander, 69 CE
    93. Destruction of the Second Temple, 70 CE
    94. Rare Coin from Year 5 of the Revolt, 70 CE
    95. Gamla Coins, 70 CE
    96. ‘Ben Yair’ Lot from Masada, 70 CE
    97. The Synagogue at Masada
    98. A Depiction of the Temple Menorah, 70 CE
    99. Burnt House, 70 CE
    100. Evidence of the Fire, 70 CE
    101. Ennion Glass Jug, 70 CE
    102. Judea Capta Coins, 70 CE
    103. Tenth Roman Legion Tile, 70 CE
    104. Vespasian Triumphant, 70 CE
    105. Evidence of Roman Warfare, 70-73 CE
    106.  Roman Medical Instruments from Masada, 70-73 CE
    107. Virgil’s Aeneid from Masada, 70-73 CE
    108.  Ben Sira Scroll from Masada, 73 CE
  3. Articles
    1. Masada—The Final Reports, Hershel Shanks, BAR 23-01, Jan-Feb 1997.
    2. Sectarianism in the Second Commonwealth, Lawrence Schiffman, From Text to Tradition, Ktav Publishing House, Hoboken, NJ, 1991.
    3. Shaye Cohen. “Roman Domination- The Jewish Revolt and the Destruction of the Second Temple.”
    4. Danny Syon. “Gamla- Portrait of a Rebellion.” Biblical Archaeology Review 18, 1 (1992).
    5. Nahman Avigad. “Jerusalem in Flames—The Burnt House Captures a Moment in Time.” Biblical Archaeology Review 9, 6 (1983).
    6. Ehud Netzer. “The Last Days and Hours at Masada.” Biblical Archaeology Review 17, 6 (1991).
    7. Jodi Magness. “Masada- Arms and the Man.” Biblical Archaeology Review 18, 4 (1992).
    8. Judaea from 4 BC to the Death of Herodes Agrippa, Robert Drews, Vanderbilt University.
    9. Judaea from the Death of Herodes Agrippa to the Destruction of the Temple, Robert Drews, Vanderbilt University.
    10. How the Wealthy Lived in Herodian Jerusalem, Nahman Avigad, Biblical Archaeology Review (2:4), Dec 1976.
    11. The Holy Land in Coins, Yaakov Meshorer, Biblical Archaeology Review Mar 1978.
    12. The Fall of Gamla: Introduction, Biblical Archaeology Review (5:1), Jan/Feb 1979.
    13. Gamla: the Masada of the North, Shmaryahu Guttman, Biblical Archaelogy Review (5:1), Jan/Feb 1979.
    14. The Fall of Gamla, Flavius Josephus, Biblical Archaeology Review (5:1), Jan/Feb 1979.
    15. Ancient Burial Customs Preserved in Jericho Hills, Rachel Hachlili, Biblical Archaeology Review (5:4), Jul/Aug 1979.
    16. Was There a Seven-Branched Lampstand in Solomon’s Temple? Carol L. Meyers, Biblical Archaeology Review (5:5), Sep/Oct 1979.
    17. Rebellion against Roman Rule, Rina Abrams, COJS.
    18. Descriptions of the Jerusalem Temple in Josephus and the Temple Scroll, Lawrence H. Schiffman.
  4. Maps
    1. The Roman Empire at its Greatest Extent
    2. Jerusalem during the Siege of Titus, 70 CE
  5. Videos
    1. From David to Jesus, NOVA.
    2. The Archaeological Treasures Recovered from Illegal Construction on the Temple Mount
    3. The Rise of Christianity and the Revolt against the Romans
  6. Websites
    1. De Imperatoribus Romanis- An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Rulers and Their Families
    2. Livius- Roman Empire
    3. NumisWiki- The Collaborative Numismatics Project
    4. PACE- Project on Ancient Cultural Engagement
    5. UNRV- The Roman Empire

See also: