by hadassah | Nov 19, 2024 | Roman Period I
A Sacrifice Vessel with Two Doves A fragment of a limestone vessel, found in the fill near the southern wall of the Western Wall, bears the inscribed word KRBN (korban), which means “sacrifice.” Two crudely drawn birds, identified as pigeons or doves, also...
by hadassah | Nov 19, 2024 | Roman Period I
Hillel the Elder Hillel (also known as Hillel the Elder) is one of the best-known and beloved sages of the Talmud. He lived during the last century BCE and served as head of the Sanhedrin, the ancient rabbinic tribunal. He was the founder of Beit Hillel (the...
by hadassah | Nov 27, 2016 | Bible and Beyond, Roman Period I
Shortly after major pieces of an extraordinary bronze statue had been dug up illegally by an American tourist, Gideon Foerster of the Israel Department of Antiquities received an urgent call from a former student describing the find. The tourist, an American named...
by hadassah | Jun 21, 2016 | Roman Period I
Did Solomon’s temple contain a seven-branched lampstand known as a menorah? Most people answer this question with an automatic “of course.” But the Biblical text is not so clear. The Bible describes the building of the Temple itself in great detail (1 Kings 6–7). The...
by hadassah | May 1, 2016 | Roman Period I
If there is no historical David, what happens to the messianic line of Jesus?
by hadassah | Apr 13, 2016 | Roman Period I
The Jewish-Christian schism and the Great Revolt led to a new period of Jewish history.