1. Sabbath Ostraca475 B.C.E. The First Extra-Biblical Reference to the Observance of the Sabbath!
  2. The Passover Papyrus from Elephantine, 419 BCE
  3. The Elephantine Temple, 407 BCE
  4. 332 B.C.E. Alexander the Great
  5. 320 B.C.E. Jewish Slaves
  6. 250 B.C.E. Synagogues in Egypt
  7. 250 B.C.E. Plato
  8. 250 B.C.E. Septuagint
  9. 250 B.C.E. The Septuagint and the Library of Alexandria
  10. May 11, 218 B.C.E. Jewish Divorce
  11. Third Century B.C.E. Sabbath (Zenon Archive)
  12. 182 B.C.E. A Contract for a Loan without Interest
  13. April 16, 174 B.C.E. A Contract for a Loan with Interest, Drawn up in Trikomia in Faiyum
  14. 172 B.C.E. Synagogues in Egypt
  15. 182 B.C.E. Contract for a Loan
  16. 150 B.C.E. Aristobulos
  17. 125 B.C.E. Synagogue Dedications
  18. December 124 B.C.E. Hannukah
  19. 102 B.C.E. Jewish Mercenaries in Egypt
  20. 100 B.C.E. Synagogue Rituals
  21. First Century B.C.E. Synagogues
  22. 78 B.C.E. Purim/Ecclesiasticus
  23. 20 B.C.E. Judaeopagan Conflict, Alexander the Great and the Jews of Egypt
  24. August 38 C.E. Jews and Synagogues of Alexandria
  25. 39 C.E. Philo is Part of Embassy to Emperor Caligula
  26. 41 C.E. Embassy of Pagan Alexandrians to Emperor Claudius (41-54 C.E.)
  27. April 30, 41 C.E. Judeopagan Conflict
  28. May 66 C.E. Uprising of Jews in Alexandria
  29. July 1, 69 C.E. Tiberius Julius Alexander/ Vespasian
  30. 73 C.E. The Jewish Synagogue at Liontopolis in Egypt
  31. 113 C.E. Judeopagan Conflict in Egypt
  32. 115 C.E. – 117 C.E. The Jewish Rebellion against Emperor Trajan
  33. 118 C.E. Fiscus Judaica/ The Jewish Tax/ “Jewish Streets” in Egypt