125 B.C.E. Synagogue Dedications
![Athribis Roman Settlement](https://cojs.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Athribis_Roman_settlement-300x200.jpg)
Synagogue in Athribis
CIJ II, Nos. 1443 On behalf of King Ptolemy VIII and Queen Cleopatra, Ptolemaios (e.g. III) son of Epikydes, chief of police, and the Jews in Athribis [dedicated] the proseuche to God the Most High. CIJ II, Nos. 1444 On behalf of King Ptolemy and Queen Cleopatra and their children, Hermias and his wife Philotera and their children [gave] this place for sitting for the proseuche. (e.g. Prayer) Source: Stern, Menahem. Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism. Volume I (p. 222)What do you want to know?
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