Ptolemy IThe Letter of Aristeas mentions 100,000 Jews who had been carried to Egypt (e.g. from Judaea) by King Ptolemy Soter in 320 B.C.E. as prisoners of war, but were liberated by his successor Ptolemy Philadelphus (e.g. in 312 B.C.E.)

Source: Ben-Zvi, Itzhak. The Exiled and the Redeemed (p. 288); How the Septuagint Differs. Biblical Archaeology Review 2.2 (Jun 1976): 33-34, 38.; Mission To Alexandria Truth and legend about the creation of the Septuagint, the first Bible translation By Leonard J. Greenspoon.; The English translation used in this article is from R.J.H. Shutt, “Letter of Aristeas (A New Translation and Introduction),” which can be found in The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, vol. 2, ed. James H. Charlesworth (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1985).