- Introduction to Bible and Beyond
- What Abraham, Jacob and Joseph Might Have Known, c. 1850-1500 BCE
- The Sojourn and Slavery in Egypt, 1500-1300 BCE
- The Exodus, 1300-1200 BCE
- Judges, 1200-1000 BCE
- Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, 1000–586 BCE
- Babylonian Captivity, 586-537 BCE
- Persian Period, 537-332 BCE
- Hellenistic Period, 332-166 BCE
- Maccabean/Hasmonean Period, 166-63 BCE
- Roman Period I, 63 BCE-73 CE
- Roman Period II, 73 CE–312 CE
- Byzantine Period, 312-632 CE
- Early Arab Period, 632-1099
- Kingdom of Jerusalem/Crusader Period, 1099-1295
- Mamluke Period, 1295-1517
- Ottoman Period, 1517-1918