1. Overview
    1. Biblical History- The Roman Period, Steven Feldman, COJS, 2007.
    2. Overview- From the First Jewish Revolt to Bar Kokhba (66-135 CE)
  2. Artifacts
    1. The Jewish War by Josephus Flavius, c. 75 CE
    2. Euclid’s Elements of Geometry
    3. Pliny the Elder’s Natural History, 77 CE
    4. Mount Vesuvius Eruption, 79 BCE
    5. Banias Coin, c. 80 CE
    6. Coin of Titus, 80 CE
    7. Arch of Titus, 85 CE
    8. Coin of Herod Agrippa II, 81-96 CE
    9. Coin of Nerva, 90 CE
    10. The Babatha Archive, 93-132 CE
    11. The Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus Flavius, c. 94 CE
    12. Coins of Trajan, 98-117 CE
    13. Roman Statue of a Woman, 2nd century CE
    14. Chorazin, 2nd century CE
    15. Moses Seat, 2nd century CE
    16. Naval Coins from Gadara, 2nd century CE
    17. Hammat Gadar Roman Baths, 2nd century CE
    18. Aphrodite, 2nd century CE
    19. Coin from Sepphoris, 2nd century CE
    20. Letter from Niger and Brocchus, 2nd century CE
    21. Statue of Vibia Sabina, 2nd century CE
    22. Maritime Theater, 2nd century CE
    23. Roman Boxer, 2nd-3rd century CE
    24. Beth Shearim Catacombs, 2nd-4th century CE
    25. Statue of Trajan, 100-110 CE
    26. Papyrus Census Order, 104 CE
    27. Cameo of Trajan and Plotina, 105-115 CE
    28. Bust of Trajan, 108-117 CE
    29. Pliny the Younger- Persecution of Christians, c. 112 CE
    30. Relief of Trajan, c. 115 CE
    31. Jewish Revolt against Trajan, 115-117 CE
    32. The Pantheon, 117-125 CE
    33. Statue of Hadrian, c. 117 BCE
    34. Bust of Hadrian, 118-130 CE
    35. Hadrian’s Wall, 122 CE
    36. Bronze Head of Hadrian, c. 122 CE
    37. Coin of Hadrian, c. 132-134 CE
    38. Jerusalem Renamed Aelia Capitolina
    39. Bar Kokhba Coin, 132-135 CE
    40. Bar Kokhba Letter, 132-135 CE
    41. Bar Kokhba Weight, 132-135 CE
    42. Coins Bearing the Name Shimon, 132-135 CE
    43. Coin Depicting the Temple, 132-135 CE
    44. Table of the Shewbread Coin, 132-135 CE
    45. Bar Kokhba Coins from Masada, 132-135 CE
    46. Empress Sabrina Aelia Capitolina Coin, c. 133-134 CE
    47. Silver Shekel from the Second Jewish Revolt, 133-135 CE
    48. Aelia Capitolina Coin, 135 CE
    49. Aelia Capitoliana Coin Hoards, 135-200 CE
    50. Aelia Capitolina Gate, c. 135 CE
    51. The Jerusalem Cardo, c. 135 CE
    52. Statue of Hadrian, 135 CE
    53. Gospel of John, 135 CE
    54. Bronze Hoard from the Cave of Letters
    55. Hadrian’s Mausoleum, 135-139 CE
    56. Caesarea Columns, 135-305 CE
    57. Fragment of an Unknown Gospel, c. 150 CE
    58. Dura Europos, 159 CE
    59. Bearded Soldier, c. 165 CE
    60. Paul’s Letter to the Romans c. 180-200 CE
    61. The Earliest Copy of the Pauline Epistles, c. 180-200 CE
    62. Titus Inscription, early 3rd century CE
    63. Aphrodisias Inscription, 3rd century CE
    64. Sepphoris Mosaic, 3rd century CE
    65. Early Christian Prayer Hall, 3rd century CE
    66. Shema Yisrael, 3rd century CE
    67. Gospel of Thomas, 3rd century
    68. Earliest Samaritan Synagogue, 3rd-4th century CE
    69. Manuscript of the Book of Daniel, c. 200 CE
    70. Roman Theater at Beth-Shean, c. 200 CE
    71. Shechem City Coin, 207-212 CE
    72. Coin of Severus Alexander, 223 CE
    73. Acts of the Apostles, c. 250 CE
    74. Gospel of Luke, c. 250 CE
    75. Gospel of Mark, c. 250 CE
    76. Gospel of Judas, c. 300 CE
    77. Three Graces Coin, c. 300 CE
    78. Sarcophagus Lid, 300 CE
    79. Edict of Toleration by Galerius, 311 CE
    80. Arycanda Inscription, 311-312 CE
    81. Pool of Siloam
  3. Articles
    1. Rebellion against Roman Rule, Rina Abrams, COJS.
    2. Lee I. Levine. “Judaism from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the End of the Second Jewish Revolt- 70-135 C.E.” Part I
    3. Lee I. Levine. “Judaism from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the End of the Second Jewish Revolt- 70-135 C.E.” Part II
    4. Searching for Roman Jerusalem, Hillel Geva, COJS.
    5. New Covenant and Other Christianities to ca. 185 CE, Robert Drews, Vanderbilt University.
    6. Rabbinic Judaism and Other Judaisms, from 70 to ca. 250 CE, Robert Drews, Vanderbilt University.
    7. The Roman Empire at its Zenith to 235 CE, Robert Drews, Vanderbilt University.
    8. The Christian Attack on GrecoRoman Culture ca. 135 to 235 CE, Robert Drews, Vanderbilt University.
    9. The Establishment of Christendom. 235 to 430 CE, Robert Drews, Vanderbilt University.
    10. Judaism in Late Antiquity ca. 250 to 565, Robert Drews, Vanderbilt University.
    11. The Rabbinic Period, Returning, the Land of Israel as a Focus in Jewish History, Benjamin J. Segal, World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem 1987.
    12. The Diaspora, Returning, the Land of Israel as a Focus in Jewish History, Benjamin J. Segal, World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem 1987.
    13. Rare Bronze Statue of Hadrian Found by Tourist, Suzanne F. Singer, Biblical Archaeology Review (2:4), Dec 1976.
    14. Digging the Talmud in Ancient Meiron, Eric M. Meyers and Carol L. Meyers, Biblical Archaeology Review (4:2), Jun 1978.
    15. How It Came About: From Saturday to Sunday, Samuele Bacchiocchi, Biblical Archaelogy Review (4:3), Sep/Oct 1978.
    16. Ancient Burial Customs Preserved in Jericho Hills, Rachel Hachlili, Biblical Archaeology Review (5:4), Jul/Aug 1979.
    17. Prize Find- Mosaic Masterpiece Dazzles Sepphoris Volunteers, BAR 14-01, Jan-Feb 1988.
    18. How I Found a Fourth-Century B.C. Papyrus Scroll on My First Time Out! Hanan Eshel, BAR 15-05, Sep-Oct 1989.
    19. Tiberias- Preview of Coming Attractions, Yizhar Hirschfeld, BAR 17-02, Mar-Apr 1991.
    20. Behold the Temple, Asher Grossberg, BAR 22-03, May-Jun 1996.
  4. Maps
    1. The Roman Empire at its Greatest Extent
    2. Iudaea Province in the First Century CE
    3. Map of the Roman Empire in the Time of Hadrian
  5. Videos
    1. Ancient Synagogues
    2. Jewish Archaeology – Discoveries: The Dura Europos Synagogue
    3. The Talmud as History
  6. Websites
    1. De Imperatoribus Romanis- An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Rulers and Their Families
    2. Livius- Roman Empire
    3. NumisWiki- The Collaborative Numismatics Project
    4. PACE- Project on Ancient Cultural Engagement
    5. UNRV- The Roman Empire

See also: